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The Chronicles of Dan Hayward — a series by Mustang

Follow the lives of Dan Hayward, a fifty two year old widower, and his family as they experience the triumphs and tragedies of daily life. The series covers the Hayward family through late 2006, all of 2007 and filters into 08, 09 and beyond. Dan gets a second chance at love and soon discovers that sex amongst his new family and friends is as common as breathing.

1 22 November 2006

On the first day of this series, Dan Hayward returns to the intersection where a tragic car accident three years ago, killed his beloved wife, Laura. Little did he know that fate was about to change his life forever. Dan reconnects with a lost love and has the opportunity live and love again. "Where did you get this?!" she demanded sharply. "Only one other person has this picture!" Vicky looked to her right at Dan standing with his back to the wall. "From him..."
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Humor, Tear Jerker, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 44724 | Votes: 700 | Score: 7.13
Size: 178KB | 35,176 words | Posted:

2 23 November 2006

On this day, Dan meets his new family. He and Karen are welcomed back to the Hen House. "Brad, Brenda and Diane, the reason that I asked you to be here is that I have something extremely important to tell you that will affect the rest of your lives."..."Well here goes. I have kept a secret from the three of you and it's time you knew the truth. I hope you can forgive me for never telling you about this until now."
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/Ma, Mult, BiSexual, Fiction, Tear Jerker, Swinging, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 16544 | Votes: 402 | Score: 7.21
Size: 97KB | 18,909 words | Posted:

3 26 November 2006

On this day, while Dan enjoyed watching Brad's hockey game, his daughters, Diane and Brenda have a different game in mind. Karen is unexpectedly aroused watching Dan and their daughters and can't keep her hot hands off her son Brad.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fiction, Sports, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 15344 | Votes: 323 | Score: 7.42
Size: 67KB | 13,331 words | Posted:

4 27 November 2006

On this day, Dan and Brad continue to bond as Father and Son. Dan shot a puck towards Brad, missing his helmet by inches.."Geesh Dad, what was that for, you nearly took my head off!" "If I'd wanted to hit you on the helmet, I would have! Someone has to knock some sense into that thick skull of yours!" Brad meets someone who changes his life forever. "Dad, did you see her?! That's her! She's the one I mentioned I liked from school! She's absolutely beautiful!"
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fiction, Sports, Workplace, Incest, Mother, Son, Oral Sex
Downloads: 11437 | Votes: 315 | Score: 7.52
Size: 87KB | 17,094 words | Posted:

5 28 November 2006

Dan and Vicky give Angie a rather unusual job interview..."I'm sure you are wondering why I asked you to dress so sexy for our meeting." "Yes I am. I've never shown so much cleavage and leg before for a job interview. I feel I'm dressed like a sexy slut." "A very classy looking sexy slut, if I may say so." Dan admired. "Yes you may say so." her face reddening from his close attention.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Mult, Consensual, Fiction, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 11124 | Votes: 296 | Score: 7.18
Size: 36KB | 6,992 words | Posted:

6 29 November 2006

Cathy needs her dad and meets her new family. Dan proposes to Karen in front of 5,000 people. Brad and Abby grow closer. Abby's dad is introduced to Vicky and later reveals a secret to her... Dan tapped Karen on the knee. She looked at him and he pointed with his right wing up to the giant screen above center ice. The camera was already on her, the screen split in two, showed her and everyone in the arena the message. Surrounded in a heart shape was _"Karen Miller, will you marry me?"_
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sports, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 10672 | Votes: 255 | Score: 7.86
Size: 237KB | 46,450 words | Posted:

7 30 November 2006

Brad and Abby make their relationship public. Brad introduces his friends to his young hero and 'little buddy,' Eric..._"Would he be embarrassed if I took his hand in mine? Do I give him a hello kiss in front of everyone?"_ she pondered. Abby's heart quickened as she approached her young love..."Eric is one of the young kids I play guitar for when I visit the hospital. He's waiting for a liver transplant or he'll..." Brad didn't want to say the word.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: mt/ft, Teenagers, Fiction, School
Downloads: 6062 | Votes: 253 | Score: 7.81
Size: 30KB | 5,984 words | Posted:

8 1 December 2006

On this day, Dan and the family discover the joys of shopping for a new car. Karen meets a woman from Dan's recent past..."You're pimping me out for a $1,000 plus four snow tires and rims?!" Dan exclaimed, beginning to laugh..."I guess he's worth it to close the car deal." Karen smiled..."Wow, I never, ever expected to gain a new sex partner from buying a new car!" Karen laughed.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Workplace, Incest, Cream Pie, Fisting, Oral Sex, Petting, Public Sex
Downloads: 10006 | Votes: 237 | Score: 7.85
Size: 124KB | 24,161 words | Posted:

9 2 December 2006

Dan, Karen and the family have fun on moving day. Brad meets Abby's pet dog, Molly. Cathy recounts to Karen that hot July week she spent with her Dad. Abby lets slip those three little words and Brad meets her brother, Derek...Cathy and Karen didn't notice the appearance of Abby at the doorway. She was pleasantly surprised seeing them kissing and feeling the other's tit. Abby stood there a moment with out being seen and thought, _"Am I ever going to love being part of this family!"_
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Fa/Fa, Fiction, Sports, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Petting, Public Sex
Downloads: 8755 | Votes: 219 | Score: 7.78
Size: 168KB | 33,589 words | Posted:

10 3 December 2006

While attending Brad's hockey game, Dan and Abby use more than hot coffee and chocolate to keep warm. Dan meets a woman who will prove be a threat to his impending marriage to Karen. Dan is introduced to Jake's mother and touching her hand, feels that same tingling sensation..."When's the big day?" "We're getting married New Years Eve day." he proudly announced. _"Hmm, today is the 3rd so I have only four weeks to break them up and steal him for myself."_ she thought, smiling at him
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, Fiction, Sports, Incest, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 6856 | Votes: 217 | Score: 7.91
Size: 122KB | 23,827 words | Posted:

11 4 December 2006

Wendy has news for Dan and Karen she wants to deliver in person of Trisha's plot to stop their wedding. They thank her the only way they know how...Karen watched Wendy's gaze lingering on Dan. "You like him a lot already, don't you?" "What's not to love, I mean like." she let slip, a little embarrassed she was caught staring at another woman's man. "You know Dan and I will have to find a lot of ways to thank you for warning us about Trisha. We owe you a great debt of gratitude."
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Fiction, Cheating, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 6700 | Votes: 211 | Score: 7.95
Size: 108KB | 21,226 words | Posted:

12 5 December 2006

Cindy had to work the evening of her interview and couldn't enjoy the fun at the Hen House, so Dan treats Cindy to her own night of fun..."You both have made me hot and horny for more fucking!" Cindy sighed, catching her breath. "That's good because Dan has a surprise for you." Karen winked at him. Cindy looked to Dan. "Freshen up and put on your coat. You and I are going out on a date." "Our own date?!" she exclaimed looking to Karen. "Yes, just the two of you."
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Mult, Consensual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 6011 | Votes: 201 | Score: 7.96
Size: 55KB | 10,822 words | Posted:

13 6 December 2006

Trisha's plan to break up Dan and Karen is put into action. Wendy visits, anxious to find out if Dan and Karen are still a couple. Dan is needed by Joyce to bowl for her team in the mid season tournament..."She'd practically kill me if she caught us fucking. You'd have to go by about five." "Don't worry, I'll take a cab and be gone before she arrives," Trisha reassured him, _"This is going to be so much fun, her catching us fucking in bed. Dan, I love big diamond engagement rings."_
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Sports, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 5472 | Votes: 193 | Score: 7.86
Size: 67KB | 12,977 words | Posted:

14 8 December 2006

Attending their high school dance, Brad professes his love for Abby. The night ends perfectly for Abby...She held out her hand to him, "Come with me, it's time," Abby smiled. "Time for what?" Brad asked. "Do I have to spell it out for you?" He still didn't quite understand, "Where am I spending the night?" "Here," "And who am I going to wake up next to in the morning?" "" "Clever boy! Come with me Brad, it's our time," Abby took him by the hand leading him upstairs.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, mt/Fa, Teenagers, Consensual, Fiction, School, Incest, Cream Pie, First, Oral Sex
Downloads: 7628 | Votes: 222 | Score: 7.83
Size: 79KB | 15,227 words | Posted:

15 9 December 2006

April makes good on her car deal with Dan and Karen...April was enjoying her time with Dan, treasuring every moment, "Now, this is the way to close a car deal!" she joked meeting his steady thrusts. "I can't believe Karen would pimp me out for a fuck and a four set of snow tires." "On rims," she added hugging him close to her breasts.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 5310 | Votes: 181 | Score: 7.41
Size: 18KB | 3,546 words | Posted:

16 16 December 2006

Brad and Abby along with family and friends host a Living Liver Donor campaign for Eric Chandler. April and Dave have great new for Dan...Everyone wore a white T shirt stamped with the words 'Eric's Endeavour, Living Liver Donor Campaign,' and his smiling picture. The shirts matched the large banner the girls had made that hung predominantly behind Brad.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Teenagers, Fiction
Downloads: 4989 | Votes: 179 | Score: 7.83
Size: 51KB | 9,823 words | Posted:

17 25 December 2006

Dan, the family and friends have a very satisfying Christmas. Brad has a special surprise for Scott and his dad. Scott has a question for Vicky. Brad and Abby exchange gifts...Scott opened the small box, parting the folded tissue paper. He looked at the contents then started uncontrollable laughter. One by one he took out five plastic cows and five goats.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, ft/ft, Fiction, Humor, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 5159 | Votes: 179 | Score: 7.75
Size: 32KB | 6,280 words | Posted:

18 26 December 2006

Dan, Karen, family and friends spend a very interesting Boxing Day together..."So tell me Wendy, when are you going to give Dan his Christmas present?" "What do you mean? I thought we decided not to exchange gifts so I didn't get anything for you and Dan." "But you do have a gift for Dan," Wendy looked at Karen questioning her comment, "A gift you've had with you all your life. It didn't cost you a penny, yet it is priceless."
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, mt/Fa, Mult, BiSexual, Fiction, Incest, Interracial, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Petting, Voyeurism
Downloads: 9524 | Votes: 176 | Score: 7.56
Size: 197KB | 39,087 words | Posted: Concluded:

19 29 December 2006

Dan and Karen enjoy their, 'symbolic night of freedom,' before getting married..."Vicky!!" Karen yelled again, noting the other two identically dressed. "I thought you said you didn't order a stripper to deliver us a pizza!" "I didn't order one, I ordered three! Go sit and enjoy!" she laughed meeting their intended entertainment..."Are you going to give me a blow job?" "Yes, your friends paid me for a blow job and a fuck," Dan looked to them. "Enjoy Bobbie, Dad," Ben smiled.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Group Sex, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 5289 | Votes: 161 | Score: 7.74
Size: 54KB | 10,533 words | Posted:

20 30 December 2006

On this day, Dan stays with Ben and Cathy the night before his wedding to Karen. She visits him in his bedroom and they recall all the flirting that took place between them the previous summer...Cathy played with the hem of her nightie pulling it up higher over her thighs. She crossed her arms and pulled it up and over her head. Her beautiful, naked body was in full view for her dad.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4978 | Votes: 171 | Score: 7.55
Size: 39KB | 7,976 words | Posted:

21 31 December 2006

Dan and Karen celebrate their wedding and reception then New Years at the Hen House. Karen has a surprise for her groom. The mood turns somber when Karen reveals a family secret to him...Dan stood in front of the mirror nervously trying to do up his tie. "Here let me," Scott offered standing behind him. "I can't believe I'm acting so nervous marrying Karen." "That's a compliment to her. I'm happy for you Dan. You think you're nervous? I saw Karen an hour ago and she's a complete wreck."
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Ma/Ma, Paranormal, Incest, Group Sex, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 5758 | Votes: 155 | Score: 7.74
Size: 98KB | 19,017 words | Posted:

22 13 January 2007

On this day, Dan and Wendy meet Aaron and Alicia for an evening of swapping partners..."Come on Dan, I don't want us to be late for Alicia and Aaron," Wendy said loudly slipping on her high heels. "You're just too damn anxious to get fucked by Aaron!" he kidded her slipping his arms into his suit jacket.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 5292 | Votes: 137 | Score: 7.12
Size: 46KB | 8,905 words | Posted:

23 19 January 2007

On this day, Dave tells Wendy he wants a divorce. She turns to her closest friends in her time of need and Dan does his best to console her...Wendy brushed her shoulder length golden hair and applied her sensual perfume to her neck, exposed breasts and pussy. Karen made sure Dan was decently dressed for his date with Wendy, "Dan, I expect you to be extra good to her tonight. Wendy needs to forget about Dave and know that she is loved and desired by you." "That'll be easy to do."
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4220 | Votes: 142 | Score: 7.43
Size: 44KB | 8,589 words | Posted:

24 14 February 2007

Valentines is a day for lovers. On this day, Scott and Vicky become husband and wife. Dan and Karen treat Wendy to a special Valentines Day. Karen has some news for Dan.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Paranormal
Downloads: 3669 | Votes: 130 | Score: 7.45
Size: 29KB | 5,647 words | Posted:

25 28 February 2007

On this day, Karen and Abby have fun baking cookies then she tells Abby in quite vivid detail, the story of how she and Dan first met. "...I've heard bits and pieces from general conversations and it sounds very sexy and erotic," Abby mentioned. "It is very erotic how we met and spent the day," Karen smiled remembering that wonderful, fateful day.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Wife Watching, Group Sex, Swinging, Interracial, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 6653 | Votes: 122 | Score: 7.69
Size: 149KB | 29,922 words | Posted:

26 30 March 2007

On this day, Dan is Wendy's date to her annual work party banquet and she has to convince her friends that her new boyfriend is not a fantasy. Dan presents Wendy with her own haunting letter from Laura.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, BiSexual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 4060 | Votes: 118 | Score: 7.94
Size: 124KB | 24,227 words | Posted:

27 31 March 2007

Dan nervously waits to meet Wendy's parents. Brad and Jake play hockey against each other in a vital playoff game..."Will you try to relax, you'll do just fine," her gentle embrace and soft kiss trying to reassure him. "I've told them about us and how much we love each other, just not about all the great sex we have," Wendy couldn't help giggling at his self torture.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Fiction, Humor, Sports, Incest, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3725 | Votes: 110 | Score: 7.84
Size: 42KB | 8,149 words | Posted:

28 1 April 2007

On this day, Karen receives the worst news any expecting mother could imagine..."Dan!" Karen screamed as loud as she could, "Dan, I need you now!" she cried urgently causing him to stir a little from his sleep. Karen stood with her legs spread apart, hands outstretched and stiffened at her sides. Her face expressed unbelievable horror.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Tear Jerker
Downloads: 4772 | Votes: 142 | Score: 7.04
Size: 23KB | 4,479 words | Posted:

29 10 May 2007

On this day, Karen celebrates her birthday at the Hen House and treats herself an interesting present..."Why don't you both go upstairs and enjoy the evening fucking while I see what Tanya and Thor have to offer me?" Karen said kissing him. "Are you sure about doing this?" Dan asked, cautious of her sensitive condition. "I really, really want this Dan!" she replied looking deep into his eyes.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Wife Watching, DomSub, Humiliation, Light Bond, Gang Bang, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 5469 | Votes: 117 | Score: 7.38
Size: 58KB | 11,293 words | Posted:

30 26 May 2007

On this day, Diane and Brenda take Dan to the park for a sexy picnic. They divulge to him more of what Steve did to them when they were younger. A new person enters Dan's life.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, BiSexual, Fiction, Incest, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 7323 | Votes: 124 | Score: 7.57
Size: 127KB | 24,438 words | Posted:

31 16 June 2007

On this day, Dan, Wendy and Abby try to take Brad's mind off the Ontario Hockey League's draft day. Karen continues her downward spiral into depression. She seeks more humiliation and punishment from Tanya and Thor for losing her baby.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Fa/Fa, Fiction, Sports, Slut Wife, Humiliation, Light Bond, Gang Bang, Bestiality, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 6234 | Votes: 122 | Score: 7.12
Size: 80KB | 15,343 words | Posted:

32 17 June 2007

On this day, Karen returns to Thor and Tanya to suffer more humiliation for losing her baby and makes a new friend. Karen also finds out, a dog isn't only, man's best friend.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Reluctant, BiSexual, Fiction, Humiliation, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 6027 | Votes: 114 | Score: 6.91
Size: 58KB | 11,268 words | Posted:

33 22 June 2007

On this day, the Hayward's welcome a new member to the family. Tina grows closer to Dan and Wendy.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4265 | Votes: 110 | Score: 6.89
Size: 33KB | 6,420 words | Posted:

34 10 July 2007

On this day, Wendy wants to experience a very special birthday present or two..."There are two birthday presents I'd like to receive." She looked to him, blushing at her erotic thought, "It's a recent fantasy that I want to make come true. I want to experience Sarg fucking me." "I hope I'm not being replaced," he joked. "Believe me, you'll never be replaced! You have me for love and life forever."
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 7159 | Votes: 119 | Score: 6.91
Size: 55KB | 10,678 words | Posted:

35 12 July 2007

On this day, Brad takes a well deserved break from preparing for the Belleville Falcons hockey training camp. He and Abby spend a sexy day at the beach where they have more fun than expected.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, mt/Fa, mt/mt, Interracial, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Petting, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 6595 | Votes: 99 | Score: 7.33
Size: 111KB | 21,778 words | Posted:

36 20 July 2007

Dan's fifty-third birthday celebration goes horribly wrong. A teasing joke with Karen causes them to argue over her not facing her miscarriage. Karen leaves the party yelling they would all be better off if she was dead..."I sure hope Mom doesn't go and do anything stupid like hurting herself. She wouldn't, would she Dad, hurt herself...or possibly even kill herself?" Brad asked tears forming in his eyes. "Right now, Brad...I'm not so sure," he confessed.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Drunk/Drugged, BiSexual, Fiction, Tear Jerker, Paranormal, DomSub, Humiliation, Light Bond, Spanking, Gang Bang, Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 4698 | Votes: 102 | Score: 7.65
Size: 207KB | 40,041 words | Posted:

37 21 July 2007

Leaving Karen and the kids at the hospital, Wendy isn't quite ready for her and Dan to go home to bed.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 3232 | Votes: 92 | Score: 7.52
Size: 36KB | 7,121 words | Posted:

38 25 July 2007

On this day, Abby has very naughty ideas for her thank you date with Dan that includes them posing as father and daughter.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, Teenagers, Fiction, Cheating, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Petting, Public Sex
Downloads: 5663 | Votes: 93 | Score: 7.80
Size: 125KB | 24,485 words | Posted:

39 28 July 2007

On this day, Dan and Wendy visit Rob Kincade concerning the building of their new family home. Rob and his wife Marie, finally live out their fantasy of swapping spouses with another couple.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 3453 | Votes: 104 | Score: 7.17
Size: 28KB | 5,428 words | Posted:

40 1 August 2007

On this day, Dan thanks, Diane, Brenda and especially Tina for their help finding Karen.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Incest, Group Sex, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 10655 | Votes: 99 | Score: 7.41
Size: 105KB | 20,460 words | Posted:

41 8 August 2007

On this day, Dan and Wendy attend Karen's meeting with her new psychologist, Dr. Carla Mackenzie. Karen may be able to have one last baby with Dan. Remember the lottery ticket Wendy bought on Dan's birthday?
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Petting
Downloads: 2829 | Votes: 90 | Score: 7.63
Size: 38KB | 7,402 words | Posted:

42 18 August 2007

On this day, Karen continues her desire to be walked like a sexy dog in public and introduces Lilly to Dan. With Wendy and Tina's help, Karen has a surprise for Lilly. Later on, Dan cheers on his five girls at a charity wet T-shirt contest.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 5363 | Votes: 75 | Score: 7.35
Size: 156KB | 30,162 words | Posted:

43 24 August 2007

On this day, Wendy has her fifteen minutes of fame when she claims her winning lottery ticket. Dan asks Wendy to 'marry' him and they begin a short but sensual honeymoon involving unexpected fun.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 3283 | Votes: 71 | Score: 7.65
Size: 81KB | 15,453 words | Posted:

44 25 August 2007

On this day, Dan and Wendy continue their honeymoon in Niagara Falls with unexpected and sensual results.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 3532 | Votes: 70 | Score: 7.31
Size: 131KB | 25,247 words | Posted:

45 1 September 2007

On this day, Brad hopes to take the next step in his hockey dreams, to play in the Ontario Hockey League and someday in the NHL. Pete Kendall shows his disapproval of Brad's relationship with Abby.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Sports
Downloads: 2663 | Votes: 89 | Score: 7.78
Size: 52KB | 10,023 words | Posted:

46 11 October 2007

On this day, Brad is frustrated that his rib injury has him sidelined from playing hockey. Then Coach Stanton calls him into his office..."Why would you want me in a meeting with General Manager Peterson, have I been traded?" he asked as they walked along the empty corridor.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Sports
Downloads: 3292 | Votes: 141 | Score: 7.59
Size: 36KB | 6,800 words | Posted:

47 19 October 2007

On this day, with the support of his teammates, Brad's first Ontario Hockey League game rewrites the record books.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Sports
Downloads: 3450 | Votes: 132 | Score: 8.20
Size: 94KB | 17,366 words | Posted:

48 20 October 2007

On this day, Brad and Peter's hockey game is on a collision course that will forever change their friendship.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Celebrity, Fan Fiction, Sports
Downloads: 2916 | Votes: 114 | Score: 8.00
Size: 71KB | 13,446 words | Posted:

49 5 November 2007

On this day, Dan, Karen, and Wendy are visited by a hockey agent. Alex Harper is very interested in representing Brad. Karen and Wendy have an idea to make sure Brad receives a very good contract.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Sports, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3174 | Votes: 99 | Score: 7.58
Size: 41KB | 7,712 words | Posted:

50 10 January 2008

On this day, tension mounts for Dan, Karen, and Wendy as they await the results of the first attempt at artificial insemination. Then, returning to Dr. Dunn impeccable timing results in optimism for the family. Dr. Mackenzie enjoys another session with the Haywards.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fiction, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 2513 | Votes: 83 | Score: 7.34
Size: 20KB | 3,916 words | Posted:

51 25 January 2008

On this day, Brad again adds his name to the Belleville Falcons record books.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Drama
Tags: Romantic, Fiction, Sports
Downloads: 3022 | Votes: 100 | Score: 7.48
Size: 53KB | 9,708 words | Posted:

52 6 February 2008

On this day, while Wendy attends Jake's meeting, Dr. Mackenzie takes more than a professional interest in his recovery.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: mt/ft, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, mt/mt, Consensual, Fiction, Workplace, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4068 | Votes: 85 | Score: 6.99
Size: 33KB | 6,376 words | Posted:

53 15 February 2008

On this day, Wendy, Tiffany, Brad and Abby attend Jake's meeting with Dr. Mackenzie. Returning home, Wendy administers the doctor's prescription.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: mt/ft, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4199 | Votes: 76 | Score: 7.05
Size: 21KB | 4,122 words | Posted:

54 1 March 2008

On this day, Brad and the Belleville Falcons play a mixed charity hockey game with a local women's league. Abby has her sights set on one particular player.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: mt/ft, mt/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4510 | Votes: 103 | Score: 7.78
Size: 40KB | 7,497 words | Posted:

55 8 March 2008

On this day, Abby pursues her dream of becoming a pop singer and auditions for season six of Canadian Idol.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Celebrity, Fan Fiction
Downloads: 2127 | Votes: 82 | Score: 7.85
Size: 27KB | 5,101 words | Posted:

56 1 April 2008

On this day, Dan, Wendy, and Karen receive the news they've been waiting to hear.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Workplace, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 5239 | Votes: 97 | Score: 7.34
Size: 24KB | 4,709 words | Posted:

57 10 May 2008

On this day, Karen celebrates her birthday at the Go Go Club the only way she knows how, with plenty of sexy fun.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Incest, Gang Bang, Black Male, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3694 | Votes: 74 | Score: 7.65
Size: 34KB | 6,607 words | Posted:

58 25 May 2008

On this day, Brad Hayward and the Belleville Falcons battle for the Canadian Hockey League Championship, The Memorial Cup.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Fan Fiction, Sports
Downloads: 2079 | Votes: 83 | Score: 7.87
Size: 60KB | 10,893 words | Posted:

59 26 May 2008

On this day, Tina treats Dan to a picnic in the park followed by a sexy evening at the Quinte Convention Centre.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Sharing, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4310 | Votes: 62 | Score: 7.60
Size: 73KB | 14,284 words | Posted:

60 11 June 2008

On this day, Brad and Abby's Canadian Idol journey continues, trying to make it into the top twenty-four.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Celebrity, Fan Fiction
Downloads: 1983 | Votes: 70 | Score: 7.52
Size: 30KB | 5,760 words | Posted:

61 25 June 2008

On this day, Brad and Abby continue their Canadian Idol quest from the top twenty-four down to the announcement of the top twenty.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Celebrity, Fan Fiction
Downloads: 1699 | Votes: 65 | Score: 7.71
Size: 19KB | 3,685 words | Posted:

62 9 July 2008

On this day, Brad and Abby continue their Canadian Idol quest from the top twenty down to the announcement of the top ten.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Celebrity, Fan Fiction
Downloads: 1837 | Votes: 72 | Score: 7.86
Size: 21KB | 4,153 words | Posted:

63 10 July 2008

On this day, Wendy celebrates turning forty with family and friends at the Go Go Club. It is also Bobbie Stevenson's last night as a stripper.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Ma/Ma, Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Double Penetration, Oral Sex, Safe Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 4495 | Votes: 66 | Score: 7.15
Size: 74KB | 14,424 words | Posted:

64 18 July 2008

On this day, Dan and Tina are enjoying a sensual evening date and dancing until disaster cuts their night short.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Sharing, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 3799 | Votes: 71 | Score: 7.53
Size: 57KB | 11,216 words | Posted:

65 20 July 2008

On this day, Dan's birthday celebration has several surprises for him, besides gifts.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, Mult, Teenagers, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 5415 | Votes: 57 | Score: 7.69
Size: 168KB | 32,696 words | Posted:

66 15 August 2008

On this day, Brad and Abby recall the sexy fun they had taking driving lessons from a husband and wife who operate their own driving school. Dan, Karen, Scott and Vicky show their appreciation to the married couple.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, mt/Fa, Fa/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 4870 | Votes: 56 | Score: 7.27
Size: 95KB | 18,673 words | Posted:

67 10 October 2008

On this day, Dan pretends to be Susan Armstrong's husband and celebrates her wedding anniversary the best way he knows how.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Ma/Ma, Mult, Consensual, Lesbian, BiSexual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 4000 | Votes: 49 | Score: 7.76
Size: 141KB | 27,491 words | Posted:

68 11 October 2008

On this day, Susan Armstrong and her son Alex, begin the Thanksgiving weekend with the Haywards.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4346 | Votes: 56 | Score: 7.41
Size: 74KB | 14,363 words | Posted:

69 12 October 2008

On this day, Thanksgiving Day celebrations are never normal at the Hayward household.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 6923 | Votes: 57 | Score: 7.54
Size: 94KB | 18,843 words | Posted:

70 13 October 2008

On this day, Lilly Fletcher visits Karen, then Dan walks them as sex dogs in the park. Susan continues her weekend with the Haywards and is introduced to Sarg and Major.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Fa/Fa, mt/mt, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Gang Bang, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 4969 | Votes: 56 | Score: 7.00
Size: 48KB | 9,523 words | Posted:

71 18 October 2008

On this day, Dan Hayward fulfills a fellow hockey fan's fantasy of watching his wife being fucked by another man.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 2686 | Votes: 44 | Score: 7.41
Size: 92KB | 18,098 words | Posted:

72 19 October 2008

On this day, Dan and the girls take Lisa McKinnon to the park for outdoor fun with the help of Sarg and Major.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 4190 | Votes: 56 | Score: 7.83
Size: 25KB | 4,986 words | Posted:

73 25 October 2008

On this day, Dan and Karen bring Lisa and John McKinnon's fantasies to reality.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 3006 | Votes: 45 | Score: 7.80
Size: 97KB | 19,547 words | Posted:

74 1 November 2008

On this day, while Karen is out on a date with John McKinnon, Wendy and Tina are out shopping for baby clothes, Dan invites Lisa and her daughters, Hanna and Jennifer, over for a swim.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/ft, Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Incest, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 10637 | Votes: 68 | Score: 7.93
Size: 110KB | 21,835 words | Posted:

75 7 November 2008

On this day, Dan and Tina spend their 'wedding weekend' attending a swingers club in Ottawa.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Swinging, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 2960 | Votes: 51 | Score: 7.71
Size: 71KB | 13,910 words | Posted:

76 8 November 2008

On this day, Dan and Tina continue their sexy 'Honeymoon' weekend in Ottawa.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Food, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 2192 | Votes: 34 | Score: 7.91
Size: 34KB | 6,716 words | Posted:

77 22 November 2008

On this day, Dan, Karen, Wendy, and Tina visit the gravesite of Dan's deceased wife, Laura to pay tribute on the fifth year anniversary of her death. Leaning to touch her headstone, Wendy feels a mild contraction.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2464 | Votes: 54 | Score: 7.93
Size: 44KB | 8,619 words | Posted:

78 5 December 2008

On this day, while Cathy's husband, Ben, is away on a business trip, Dan treats his daughter to a night out for some sexy fun.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Cheating, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 3530 | Votes: 46 | Score: 7.50
Size: 59KB | 11,546 words | Posted:

79 12 December 2008

On this day, Dan is Dr. Carla Mackenzie's date to an unusual dinner party.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Ma/Ma, Consensual, Fiction, Swinging, Interracial, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 3296 | Votes: 62 | Score: 7.01
Size: 34KB | 6,573 words | Posted:

80 1 January 2009

On this day, tragedy strikes the Hayward family putting a stop to the New Year's day celebrations.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction
Downloads: 2331 | Votes: 43 | Score: 6.91
Size: 19KB | 3,698 words | Posted:

81 9 January 2009

On this day, Dan and Susan Armstrong are enjoying their sexy fun at Chandler's restaurant. Then, as planned at the Go Go Club, they are caught having sex by her husband.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Cheating, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 2339 | Votes: 46 | Score: 7.00
Size: 48KB | 9,315 words | Posted:

82 14 January 2009

On this day, Tina's parents come to visit. Dan, Karen, and Wendy attend Brad and Jake's Top Prospects hockey game in Oshawa.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sports, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 2423 | Votes: 47 | Score: 8.15
Size: 47KB | 9,083 words | Posted:

83 15 February 2009

On this day, Brad Hayward has been mentoring Jessica McBride and watches her first hockey game wearing her artificial leg.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: mt/ft, mt/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Sports, Incest, Cream Pie, First, Oral Sex, Petting, Amputee
Downloads: 3512 | Votes: 52 | Score: 7.65
Size: 72KB | 14,181 words | Posted:

84 21 February 2009

On this Day, Sandra and Jessica McBride are introduced to the Haywards.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, ft/ft, Coercion, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3095 | Votes: 32 | Score: 7.88
Size: 119KB | 23,303 words | Posted:

85 28 February 2009

On this day, Wendy and Dan have an evening out that ends with some unexpected news for him.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/Ma, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2145 | Votes: 43 | Score: 6.68
Size: 22KB | 4,423 words | Posted:

86 7 March 2009

On this day, Sandra McBride and Susan Armstrong continue to form their new relationship.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: mt/ft, Fa/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Petting, Amputee
Downloads: 2076 | Votes: 47 | Score: 7.64
Size: 25KB | 4,966 words | Posted:

87 14 March 2009

On this day, Karen and Lisa swap husbands for a night of sexy fun.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, ft/ft, Consensual, Sharing, Slut Wife, Incest, Humiliation, Swinging, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 5177 | Votes: 44 | Score: 6.96
Size: 48KB | 9,500 words | Posted:

88 20 March 2009

On this day, Karen and Lisa swap husbands for a long weekend during the spring break.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, ft/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Slut Wife, Incest, Light Bond, Gang Bang, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 3596 | Votes: 36 | Score: 7.20
Size: 46KB | 9,139 words | Posted:

89 21 March 2009

On this day, Dan, Lisa, and Hanna go shopping for new shoes for Jennifer. Lisa and Dan enjoy another evening out while Karen and John continue their sexy weekend.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Mult, Consensual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Public Sex
Downloads: 1664 | Votes: 31 | Score: 6.76
Size: 41KB | 8,209 words | Posted:

90 22 March 2009

On this day, Dan, Sandra, and Susan return to Lacey's lingerie store for more of the sexual blackmail she wants with them.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Blackmail, Fiction, Workplace, Cheating, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2145 | Votes: 35 | Score: 6.41
Size: 18KB | 3,639 words | Posted:

91 28 March 2009

On this day, tragedy strikes the Kendall family. Brad Hayward faces a decision that will end his dreams of an NHL career.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Paranormal, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2466 | Votes: 47 | Score: 8.32
Size: 136KB | 26,032 words | Posted:

92 18 April 2009

On this day, Tina is several weeks away from her due date, however, her babies have other intentions.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Drama
Tags: Ma/ft, Consensual, Romantic, Fiction, Petting
Downloads: 1525 | Votes: 37 | Score: 8.05
Size: 42KB | 8,089 words | Posted:

93 10 May 2009

On this day, Lisa, Hanna, and Jennifer visit Dan. Cathy has an indecent proposal for her dad. Lisa loves pretending to be Dan's slutty wife, especially when she acts as if it's her birthday.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, ft/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Incest, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 3073 | Votes: 31 | Score: 7.00
Size: 60KB | 11,878 words | Posted:

94 25 June 2009

On this day, Brad proposes to Abby. Karen has another one of her family and friends sex parties.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Incest, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2138 | Votes: 38 | Score: 8.32
Size: 80KB | 15,595 words | Posted:

95 26 June 2009

On this day, Abby comforts Brad as he watches the 2009 National Hockey League entry draft on TV.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sports, Sharing, Wife Watching, Incest, Group Sex, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 2339 | Votes: 34 | Score: 8.21
Size: 170KB | 32,505 words | Posted:

96 10 July 2009

On this day, Wendy celebrates her birthday with special presents. Lisa McKinnon has an important decision to make.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 1819 | Votes: 32 | Score: 7.85
Size: 73KB | 14,401 words | Posted:

97 15 July 2009

On this day, Dan, Lisa, Hanna, and Jennifer spend several days in Ottawa for a family honeymoon.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 1757 | Votes: 28 | Score: 7.98
Size: 87KB | 16,912 words | Posted:

98 18 July 2009

On this day, Brad and Abby have their bachelor and bachelorette parties.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Group Sex, Interracial, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 2175 | Votes: 35 | Score: 7.34
Size: 35KB | 6,765 words | Posted:

99 20 July 2009

On this day, Jennifer wants to spend time with Dan on his birthday before it's celebrated with family and friends.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, mt/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Incest, Group Sex, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Sex Toys, Public Sex
Downloads: 3218 | Votes: 32 | Score: 7.72
Size: 77KB | 15,098 words | Posted:

100 24 July 2009

On this day, planning continues for Brad and Abby's wedding. Abby makes a surprise for Brad. The Haywards host the rehearsal party at Chandler's restaurant.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Incest, Group Sex, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1501 | Votes: 33 | Score: 7.78
Size: 27KB | 5,265 words | Posted:

101 25 July 2009

On this day, Brad and Abby recite their vows to become husband and wife.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Minimal Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Cream Pie
Downloads: 1377 | Votes: 31 | Score: 8.38
Size: 77KB | 14,834 words | Posted:

102 26 July 2009

On this day, all though Cathy and Ben have their marital problems, she now has to deal with the worst possible news.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Drama
Tags: Fiction, Tear Jerker
Downloads: 1556 | Votes: 43 | Score: 6.50
Size: 33KB | 6,379 words | Posted:

103 28 July 2009

On this day, Brad meets the Ottawa Senators' staff and has the medical exam that determines his hockey future.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction, Fan Fiction, Sports
Downloads: 1365 | Votes: 38 | Score: 8.22
Size: 19KB | 3,628 words | Posted:

104 29 July 2009

On this day, Brad and Abby begin their five day honeymoon with added pleasures.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: mt/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Exhibitionism, Petting, Public Sex
Downloads: 1524 | Votes: 31 | Score: 7.88
Size: 15KB | 2,829 words | Posted:

105 30 July 2009

On this day, Brad and Abby continue their honeymoon with some added sexy fun.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: mt/ft, ft/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Wife Watching, Black Male, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Petting, Public Sex
Downloads: 1888 | Votes: 30 | Score: 7.07
Size: 53KB | 10,305 words | Posted:

106 31 July 2009

On this day, Brad and Abby continue their honeymoon and meet a couple with similar sexual interests as his parents.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 2054 | Votes: 29 | Score: 7.48
Size: 64KB | 12,680 words | Posted:

107 1 August 2009

On this day, Brad and Abby continue their honeymoon with Rob and Susan Landry.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 2928 | Votes: 29 | Score: 7.41
Size: 86KB | 16,775 words | Posted:

108 2 August 2009

On this day, Brad and Abby spend the last day of their honeymoon with Rob and Susan.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 2058 | Votes: 29 | Score: 7.91
Size: 28KB | 5,637 words | Posted:

109 01 August 2009

On this day, Jenny tries to convince Cathy to join her, Dan, Tina, Lisa, and Hanna to participate in the yearly Caribana parade in Belleville.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Black Male, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Safe Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 4045 | Votes: 34 | Score: 7.18
Size: 50KB | 9,886 words | Posted:

110 3 August 2009

On this day, Jennifer wants her fifteenth birthday to be filled with lots of sexy fun, mainly with Dan. Lisa has a birthday surprise for Jenny.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Anal Sex, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Safe Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 3422 | Votes: 33 | Score: 8.09
Size: 72KB | 14,205 words | Posted:

111 4 August 2009

On this day, Lisa and Jenny take Dan shopping for a new Speedo swimsuit. Jenny invites Cathy to join her and Dan on their dinner and movie date.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Incest, Cream Pie, Masturbation, Petting, Public Sex
Downloads: 2129 | Votes: 33 | Score: 7.36
Size: 49KB | 9,530 words | Posted:

112 7 August 2009

On this day, Hanna McKinnon wants to have her fun time with Dan, so she plans a dinner and movie date.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1585 | Votes: 29 | Score: 7.34
Size: 36KB | 7,155 words | Posted:

113 8 August 2009

On this day, Dan returns to Dell's Boutique to fulfill her fantasy of being taken without a word spoken by him. Cathy and Jenny go clothes shopping for Dan. Dan, Cathy, and Jenny pretend to be husband, wife, and daughter on a dinner date.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Sharing, Wife Watching, Incest, Cream Pie, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Petting
Downloads: 1643 | Votes: 31 | Score: 6.42
Size: 34KB | 6,806 words | Posted:

114 12 August 2009

On this day, Linda Chandler fulfills her promise to Brad, and thank him for helping her son, Eric, receive a liver transplant and saving his life.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Incest, Gang Bang, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Safe Sex
Downloads: 2596 | Votes: 34 | Score: 8.08
Size: 35KB | 6,813 words | Posted:

115 14 August 2009

On this day, Linda Chandler, brings her husband, Darren, to enjoy the benefits of the Hayward's lifestyle.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, mt/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Oral Sex, Safe Sex
Downloads: 2952 | Votes: 41 | Score: 7.24
Size: 34KB | 6,739 words | Posted:

116 18 August 2009

On this day, Lisa receives a phone call informing her that her husband, John, was killed in a work related accident.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Drama
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Consensual, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 2477 | Votes: 34 | Score: 7.97
Size: 34KB | 6,777 words | Posted:

117 19 August 2009

On this day, Dan and Cathy join Lisa and the girls to attend John's viewing. Dan unexpectedly gets the opportunity to possibly buy the muscle car of his dreams.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Drama
Tags: Fiction
Downloads: 1264 | Votes: 30 | Score: 8.05
Size: 26KB | 4,955 words | Posted:

118 20 August 2009

On this day, Lisa is prompted by her brother-in-law, Burt, to celebrate John's life with a night out.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Mult, Teenagers, Consensual, Romantic, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Safe Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 2311 | Votes: 28 | Score: 7.62
Size: 52KB | 10,177 words | Posted:

119 21 August 2009

On this day, Lisa tells the families her decision if she and the girls are going to live in Calgary, or Trenton. Dan and his family are treated to the hospitality of his son Kevin, and daughter-in-law, Leslie.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Incest, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1939 | Votes: 33 | Score: 7.85
Size: 44KB | 8,754 words | Posted:

120 22 August 2009

On this day, Dan entertains two women in the hotel hot tub. Hanna and Jenny become more than kissing cousins with Mark and Tony. Dan, Lisa, and Cathy witness the special wedding anniversary presents Kevin Hayward gives his wife, Leslie, each year.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Fa/Fa, Ma/Ma, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Safe Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 2224 | Votes: 28 | Score: 8.25
Size: 119KB | 23,230 words | Posted:

121 23 August 2009

On this day, Dan entertains the fantasies of Joan and Janet, guests staying at the same hotel.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Cheating, Cuckold, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2035 | Votes: 35 | Score: 7.31
Size: 42KB | 8,405 words | Posted:

122 24 August 2009

On this day, Dan and the family have a final visit with his son, Kevin, and his family. Leslie joins Dan to meet Joan and Janet in the hotel lounge.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Incest, Group Sex, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1992 | Votes: 30 | Score: 8.52
Size: 52KB | 10,175 words | Posted:

123 5 September 2009

On this day, while Brad is attending the Ottawa Senators' Rookie Camp in Kitchener, Abby is taken advantage of by an unscrupulous photographer.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: mt/ft, Ma/ft, Coercion, NonConsensual, Rape, Fiction, MaleDom, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Oral Sex
Downloads: 4939 | Votes: 45 | Score: 6.72
Size: 37KB | 7,258 words | Posted:

124 10 September 2009

On this day, Brad and the family celebrate his 18th birthday while awaiting the start of the 2009 Ottawa Senators training camp. He receives news from Abby and his parents.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, Fiction, Incest, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 2306 | Votes: 20 | Score: 6.83
Size: 77KB | 15,481 words | Posted:

125 18 September 2009

On this day, the Hayward family and friends drive to Ottawa to watch Brad and Jake’s pre season NHL game the following night.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Mult, Consensual, Romantic, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Facial, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Safe Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 1668 | Votes: 22 | Score: 6.81
Size: 108KB | 21,106 words | Posted:

126 19 September 2009

On this day, Dan, Karen, and Wendy, and the rest of the family, along with Abby and the Kendalls watch Brad, Jake, Peter, and Derek’s NHL pre-season game.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Drama
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, ft/ft, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Fan Fiction, Sports, Sharing, Incest, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 1219 | Votes: 23 | Score: 7.57
Size: 55KB | 10,462 words | Posted:

127 25 September 2009

On this day, the Trenton and Belleville Police Services conduct a sting operation involving several sexual assault suspects.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Drama
Tags: Ma/Fa, Blackmail, Coercion, Rape, Fiction, MaleDom, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Oral Sex
Downloads: 2160 | Votes: 36 | Score: 6.92
Size: 31KB | 5,918 words | Posted:

128 3 October 2009

On this day, a young hockey fan has an unusual request of Brad Hayward.
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Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: mt/ft, Fa/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Sports, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, First, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1374 | Votes: 23 | Score: 6.72
Size: 41KB | 8,134 words | Posted:

129 10 October 2009

On this day, Wendy gives birth, completing her family.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Some Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Sharing, Wife Watching, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1059 | Votes: 22 | Score: 6.55
Size: 33KB | 6,358 words | Posted:

130 24 October 2009

On this day, Dan treats Linda Chandler to a night out as his beautiful, sexy, slutty wife.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Stroke Story | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 1604 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 94KB | 18,613 words | Posted:

131 26 October 2009

On this day, Abby Hayward turns eighteen and has an unusual request of Brad for her birthday.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: mt/ft, Ma/ft, ft/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Safe Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 1366 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 39KB | 7,832 words | Posted:

132 7 November 2009

On this day, Jenny McKinnon visits with Megan Williams, a student in her class to study for upcoming math exams.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: mt/ft, Ma/ft, mt/Fa, ft/ft, Fa/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Incest, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 1679 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 69KB | 13,618 words | Posted:

133 14 November 2009

On this day, Megan Williams visits Jenny to continue studying for their math exams.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: mt/ft, Ma/ft, ft/ft, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Incest, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1730 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 45KB | 8,973 words | Posted:

134 27 November 2009

On this day, Dan and Linda Chandler meet up with Harry and Amy Bolton, from Kingston on Amy’s birthday. Who wants to live out their most secret fantasies the most, Harry, or Amy?
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1048 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 54KB | 10,769 words | Posted:

135 28 November 2009

On this day, Dan and Linda Chandler return to the Convention Center and continue their sexy fun with Harry and Amy. Karen and Tina join them to add to the experience and have their own sexy fun.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Stroke Story | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Slut Wife, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1132 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 105KB | 20,815 words | Posted:

136 4 December 2009

On this day, to celebrate the end of high school exams, Tom Williams has asked Jenny out on a movie date.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Consensual, Fiction, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Petting, Safe Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1465 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 44KB | 8,774 words | Posted:

137 5 December 2009

On this day, Dan, Tina, and Wendy meet Peter, Derek, Rita Davidson, in the Constellation Lounge for more sexy fun.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Lactation, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1060 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 63KB | 12,552 words | Posted:

138 12 December 2009

On this day, Karen and the wives join Marie Williams and other married women to enjoy a group of teenaged boys.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Stroke Story | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/ft, mt/Fa, ft/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Cheating, Incest, Group Sex, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Oral Sex, Petting, Safe Sex
Downloads: 3322 | Votes: 28 | Score: 6.63
Size: 34KB | 6,716 words | Posted:

139 17 December 2009

On this day, Dan treats Hanna and Jenny to dinner and a movie.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Stroke Story | Genre: Erotica
Tags: mt/ft, ft/ft, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Incest, Sister, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Petting, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1672 | Votes: 20 | Score: 7.06
Size: 47KB | 9,371 words | Posted:

140 18 December 2009

On this day, Dan is Rita Davidson’s date to her Quinte University staff Christmas party. He helps her to fulfill one of her desires, but she doesn’t go home with him.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Cheating, Interracial, Black Couple, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Petting, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1080 | Votes: 20 | Score: 7.31
Size: 52KB | 10,287 words | Posted:

141 19 December 2009

On this day, Angie Davis continues her stay with the Haywards.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Ma/Ma, Consensual, Drunk/Drugged, BiSexual, Fiction, Cheating, Sharing, Wimp Husband, Swinging, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1587 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 62KB | 12,495 words | Posted:

142 25 December 2009

On this day, the Hayward family celebrates Christmas with several surprises for Dan.
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Sex Contents: No Sex | Genre: Romantic
Tags: Fiction
Downloads: 778 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 27KB | 5,389 words | Posted:

143 29 December 2009

On this day, Dan’s son, Kevin, and his family spend several days with the Haywards. Dan’s daughter-in-law, Leslie, recalls several of the family’s sexual encounters since his visit last August.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, mt/Fa, Mult, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Incest, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Petting, Safe Sex
Downloads: 1394 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 90KB | 18,129 words | Posted:

144 30 December 2009

On this day, Kevin and his family continue their visit with the Haywards. Leslie gives Dan more details of their recent sexual adventures, including her teen gang bang and the Halloween party they attended.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Stroke Story | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/Fa, Mult, Teenagers, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Swinging, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, First, Oral Sex
Downloads: 1207 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 38KB | 7,634 words | Posted:

145 31 December 2009

On this day, Dan and Karen celebrate their wedding anniversary and the family attends the New Years Party at the Hen House. Someone close to Tina re-enters their lives.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Ma/Ma, Teenagers, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Wife Watching, Incest, Gang Bang, Group Sex, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1295 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 41KB | 8,025 words | Posted:

146 9 January 2010

On this day, Brenda Hayward auditions to become a stripper at the Go Go Club.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Workplace, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 1030 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 70KB | 13,670 words | Posted:

147 14 January 2010

Brenda Hayward, with help from Dan, make a couple’s wedding anniversary fantasies come true.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Ma/Ma, Coercion, Romantic, BiSexual, Fiction, Slut Wife, Wife Watching, Gang Bang, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 932 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 47KB | 9,239 words | Posted:

148 16 January 2010

On this day, Dan makes good on his phone calls to Angie and Emily, treating them to a night out together.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Workplace, Sharing, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 801 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 74KB | 14,635 words | Posted:

149 24 January 2010

On this day, while watching an NFL game, George Davis watches Dan fuck his wife Angie. Later on Dan takes Angie home where she is introduced to Sarg and Major. The night ends with Dan fucking Angie while George lays beside them.
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 1776 | Votes: 35 | Score: 6.38
Size: 37KB | 7,346 words | Posted:

150 30 January 2010

On this day, Brenda Hayward is invited to a house party to perform her stripper routine. She brings Karen and Wendy with her to enjoy the sexy fun.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Sharing, Gang Bang, Swinging, Bestiality, Cream Pie, Double Penetration, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Safe Sex
Downloads: 1144 | Votes: 26 | Score: 6.63
Size: 22KB | 4,257 words | Posted:

151 7 February 2010

On this day, the Haywards attend a special charity night at the Go Go Club
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Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Anal Sex, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 894 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 32KB | 6,288 words | Posted:

152 13 February 2010

On this day, Dan returned to Dell’s Boutique to give her the birthday present she asked for during his last visit.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Fa/Fa, Fa/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Workplace, Sharing, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 837 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 71KB | 14,277 words | Posted:

153 17 March 2010

On this day, Dan, Lisa, Hanna, and Jenny take a honeymoon vacation to Niagara Falls.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, ft/ft, Teenagers, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Incest, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Voyeurism, Public Sex
Downloads: 983 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 33KB | 6,490 words | Posted:

154 18 March 2010

On this day, Dan, Lisa, Hanna, and Jenny continues their Niagara Falls mini vacation.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, mt/ft, Ma/ft, ft/ft, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Incest, Cream Pie, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Public Sex
Downloads: 703 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 41KB | 8,094 words | Posted:

155 19 March 2010

On this day, the Haywards enjoy the last full day of their mini vacation.
[More Info]

Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Erotica
Tags: Ma/Fa, Ma/ft, Fa/Fa, Teenagers, Consensual, BiSexual, Fiction, Wife Watching, Cream Pie, Exhibitionism, Oral Sex, Voyeurism
Downloads: 613 | Votes: * | Score: *
Size: 32KB | 6,479 words | Posted:
* Not enough votes to show score yet


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