After Liz gets her first period, it's naturally time for a trip to the dentist's office, but Dr. Cockley isn't just an ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill sort of dentist...As Liz is about to find out. He's actually a very nice guy.
Madame Dominique's School of Etiquette was renowned for producing girl's with well-behaved demeanor and with the proper respect for male preferences in feminine behavior. They knew which was the correct fork and the proper way to clean up semen stains on the sheets.
I'll never understand how a woman thinks. Maybe it's better that way; just pay the bill and say "Yes Dear" to whatever I'm told. Deep down inside I knew on this thing of ours they were right and my way of thinking was wrong. It all had to do with priorities. Maybe Eve had the experience to know different though. Was it 'Fair' to Kim and Megan was a question too? What about to Trish then. I knew these were some questions I could not answer myself.
A Bob’s Life Story (2) The year is 1974. I dated Susie, a girl from high school. She was a stealth slut, in that in public she was prim and proper, but with me she was a slut. She comes to visit me in college, and then again at my first apartment, with my first job.