Ariel ("A") hated her name, and she didn't fit in at high school. Parentless, her grandmother, Lucy, raised her. A convinced Lucy to date Claudia, but disaster struck when Claudia's ex spirited her daughter to TX, leaving only Ben, her son. A and Lucy supported Claudia & Ben, found them a lawyer, and become their lovers. A intervened in an attempted rape, thwarted by the store clerk, a retired marine. After their junior prom, Ben was kidnapped, with A to the rescue.
Lorina, lost in life and bored with everything, decides that she will take advantage of her little brother innocence and neediness to try to start a secret relationship. Without first asking her friend for advice.
My buddy offered me a "gurley", a pet who closely resembled the most beautiful, charming, cheerful, and helpful six-year-old girl imaginable. There were a few important things he didn't mention, however: the gurleys' sexual habits, who they choose for mates, how fast they grow up, and what happens if they don't get pregnant regularly.