When Angie's parents divorced, she went with her mother and her brother Frank went with their dad and she didn't see them for years. Now that she's off to grad school where her father teaches it's time to get to know her father and brother all over again.
A teenage girl is lured into posing for pictures and having sex for money by the neighborhood child molester when she learns that her best friend is already doing so and using the money she earns to buy the nice things that she wishes she had.
A story in the Toby Wakefield Stories Universe
Fourteen year old Rosie Kowalski and her family moves across the street from Toby Wakefield. She becomes friends with Kathy Warren who is having sex with Toby. Kathy entices Rosie to join them in the woods where Toby, having been schooled in sexual matters by Sister Natalie, Mother Superior at the local Catholic Church. Toby takes Rosie's virginity and imparts his sexual knowledge that has so lovingly been passed on to him by the "worldly" nun.(Meet Sister Natalie in "Penguin's Preference").
It was in November that Brian broke his neck and became paralyzed. He still had motion in his arms but his fine motor skills and his fingers were affected. The nerve damage to his legs was complete and he would be using a wheelchair for the rest of his life. He wondered at the time if he would ever have sex again. It was only the following summer that his questions were happily answered by the personal care attendant he and his mother had hired.
The reader is encouraged, if you haven't already done so to read the first story sub titled "Grace & The Longest Tie" and the second sub titled " Grace is Kidnapped". The major characters and the back stories mentioned here are all in those stories. It will I believe make this story more interesting and explain Grace's descent into her new life from a respected and gifted artist to one of utter depravity at the hands of the
A police officer sits in on the confession of a man who had committed incest on his three daughters. Hearing the confession seems to cause the cop to admit his own shortcomings to himself, for the truth is that he has been suppressing feelings for his own daughter. As the days after unfold, his perverted thoughts continue.