A Better World
A Better World II continues the story of the Savage family after the asteroid hit Burma in "A Better World." Tom and Cynthia Savage graduate from high school, get married, form the Graton Squadron, attend San Jose State university, earn degrees in avionics, and join the asteroid defense force. They find who sent the asteroid that hit Burma and tells what they did about it.
When my adult niece called, sounding upset, and asked if she could come stay with me for a while, of course I said yes. It was only supposed to be until she could get her feet under her from a marriage gone wrong. The problem is, she couldn't get her feet under her. That's because I kept her in bed.
The Chronicles of Tim Brandton Book (2) Part of the Chronicles of Tim Brandton universe
Tim begins to use his telepathy more freely and shares his secret with more people starting with his friends at summer camp. At school, Tim plays on the football team, works out sexy dances for the school's dance squad, and helps his principal build a peer tutoring program to cover Tim's use of students in his own endeavors. Life goes along well until someone decides Tim is the perfect subject for their own endeavors.