This is about a 16 year old girl named Mandi who lives with her alcoholic mother. She spends her time talking to men online, and then one day one of the men she talks to shows up in person. He won't take no for an answer...
The story centers around the small town of Crow Town, after most of the US and the rest of the world had sunk down into the Earth, like the legend of Atlantis, and are now underwater. A day after the global flooding, a sinister creature that resembles something out of a fairy tale, visits different people from Muslim students suffering abuse from the towns residents, rednecks, school bullies and all-time losers, granting them darkest desires and making them come true.
A former fat kid turned gym hunk has a deadly reunion with his high school's hottest mean girl and her clique. Their taste in men has gotten more voracious over the years!
In this spin-off to "Pacts, Gods, and Family," Ian Finnegan puts an end to the villainous career of hatemonger Ann Coulter with the aid of his angel Izaz, while also rewarding CNN host Fareed Zakaria.