One evening, at the end of summer, when nights turned dark again, I found myself walking by the docks. I was far from home, drunk and tired, and passing a park bench had me thinking about just kicking in and having at least a short nap. Had it not been for a very interesting sound from one of the smaller boats right in front of me, I might have just fallen asleep there and then. I listened again. A woman was moaning.
A Twenty-First Century Nakedblondes Story (2) The nakedblonde has been naughty, and as Ashley watches Daddy give her a spanking, she remembers the nakedblonde suck party Daddy had in their barn once. (Ashley and her new friend Jordan hid and watched the five nakedblondes suck off the nine cocks, and the teengirls liked what they saw so much that they took off their own clothes for some secret finger fun!) When the spanking is over, Daddy needs to fuck, and the nakedblonde's sexy, pressed-together legs is where his angry cock finds relief!
A Three dimensions story (3) Cray and Eve go to high school summer camp, where the woods provide a refuge. Little do they know, it also provides cover for an audience. Who's the audience? Her older sister and her new best friend. It gets much more interesting after that. This is a sequel to Cray's first time.
This story was written as a joke for a friend (Angie E.) and not intended for publication. However Angie insisted that it was too good to keep to ourselves and it should be published on SOL. So here goes. If you like it, I claim all the credit for writiong it. If you don't like it, blame Angie for talking me into publishing it. In the story Angie Medhurst has sexual enclounters with the stars of Harry Potter stories and a magic dildo.