Once a decade the Moon festival becomes the Blue Moon festival and everything gets crazy. As a constable from the festival city I had constables that came in to help for my squad. Sometimes just breaking up a fight can be more than we thought and very dangerous.
A Chloe Story (1) Danny, a sixth-form teacher, bumps into one of his students on a shopping trip, unbeknown to Danny, Chloe has been lusting after her teacher for years, and today she takes her chance. If he accepts Chloe's offer his career and relationship are at risk. Is Danny's life about to change for the better, or will it just implode. (note: I've deliberately left out one code so I don't spoil a surprise)
The new recruit, Sister Mildred, finds life in the Abbey to be hard and demanding. She has her hardest problem with the vow of chastity that seems to rob her of her vital essence. Thank goodness for her tools of repentance that assure her true contrition and with obvious beneficial side effects that make the night go a lot faster.
Coach Wilkinson shares a tale with Uncle Micky regarding the best year of his life. Events lead him to fall for a young first year teacher, dally with fourteen year-old Liz, and finally come around to fifteen year-old Shanna
University or college years: parties, copious quantities of alcohol, and even more sex. I must have missed the memo on that but there were a few choice experiences. One birthday in particular stands out. Jill and Annabel come back to my flat. I think Annabel might be trying to set me up with her friend. And maybe she is - it's even working. But Jill and I soon discover that the adventurous Annabel has other ideas too.