Teri, Dana, and Mike have been dating each other for most of the school year, but summer vacation brings new challenges: a move, a wedding, a career—not to mention a few troublesome sisters. The triad must deal with the changes in their lives, both together and apart. A novel-length sequel to “Third Time’s the Charm.”
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (54) On this day, Brad and the Belleville Falcons play a mixed charity hockey game with a local women's league. Abby has her sights set on one particular player.
A Jenni Story (8) Norma is a middle-aged recent widow. She finds that she's the main beneficiary of a great-uncle's will, and that leads to big changes in her life. Motorbikes, sailing, romance, and we renew acquaintance with several characters from the Jenni and Dulcie series.
A story in the Von Solon's Universe Universe
Von Solon Saga's 5th story, which takes place within the Kingdom of Amar. The King is dead and Von's royal wife needs his aid in defending her land during the opening phase of a civil war. This is a short story where a little application of modern technology and the right weapons will reap far-reaching consequences.
A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (100) On this day, planning continues for Brad and Abby's wedding. Abby makes a surprise for Brad. The Haywards host the rehearsal party at Chandler's restaurant.
A Linkage Story (4) He spent twenty years in the French Foreign Legion, many of those years alongside The Chevalier. He has spent twenty years in Civvy Street, many of those alongside The Chevalier. The Comrade’s Tale allows us a closer insight into The Chevalier but the Comrade is an interesting character in his own right. There are not too many Frenchmen who support Accrington Stanley Football Club.