A tender evening of dominance and submission. For those that wonder, this is AN EXAMPLE OF what it is 'really' like. I hope you enjoy it. There is a 'controlled' blowjob, but that's all. No B&D. No S&M. All D/s. (Please note the addition of the 'Harvey Amendment' in capitals above, apparently without it I am a terrible person)
Elaine is a curious college junior who finds herself slowly and inexorably drawn into a lifestyle that captivates her. Prompted by the apparent safety of online fantasy, she investigates, and her strange world is eventually turned inside out as a risk taken changes her life. Please note: This is a story about 'how they got there', NOT about 'what happens after they arrive'.
Roger had been stagnating. Then he opened his big mouth and found himself with responsibilities for which he hadn't planned. Thrust into the world of Dominance and submission, surprisingly he found something he'd been looking for all his life. Enter and follow Roger's amazing, touching and eye-opening evolution from man into Dominant.
New beginnings. A new way of doing, of seeing, and of acting. She thought her one chance had slipped through her fingers, but fate lent a hand. He thought he might never see her again, but he was wrong. A tale told from both sides. Romantic Dominance and submission.
Aroused from a drug-induced stupor, she finds herself bound and at the mercy of an unknown number of faceless men. Yes, this is a little scary. Don't visit if being completely at another's whim isn't your thing.
After Shannon confesses her slutty fantasies to her Dominant husband, he sets about making them come true. A scorching tale of the fight between fear and desire as Shannon's life spirals beyond her control.
Kelly's mischievous behaviour finally catches up with her. It was up to me to show her the error of her ways. (Please note this is a little rougher than my usual fare - be warned.)
A couple's journey into ageplay. By the time this story is finished, I hope to have adequately described the 'what, where and why' of ageplay, at least for one couple. I thought this would be a good challenge. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, then look at this like a documentary. This is NOT an incest story.
Please note the final chapter contains no sex. It is somewhat of an explanation, but you might have to fill in the blanks yourselves.