This man has one hour with my snooty sister in- law. Then his friend repays the favour with my wife's sickly sweet best friend. One experience each is bad enough, but these girls just don't deserve to be that lucky. Three stand alone tales in this series.
Fan fic from the sitcom Reba, where Reba tries to teach Van a lesson or two by pretending that a hypnosis kit works, only to have it actually work. The results are, well, comic gold (I hope). Try to keep a sense of humor about this and enjoy it if it gets you off.
Alone on Mt. Ordeals after the journey, Kain trains relentlessly to steel himself for the trial that will test his mettle and cast out whatever lingering wickedness he still holds. Yet feeling the presence of an unwelcome visitor, he finds himself overcome by another sort of evil before he can even begin to think of defeating his darkness.
Sex Contents: Much Sex | Genre: Fan Fiction Tags: Ma/Fa, Consensual, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Heterosexual, Fan Fiction, High Fantasy, FemaleDom, Rough, Cream Pie Downloads: 263 | Votes:* | Score:* Size: 17KB | 3,344 words |
This is a story in the Ouroboros Reality universe.
A tall, bald stranger touches the hands of many Hollywood celebrities and leaves an "ouroboros" brand on their skin. They had been mysteriously lured into the same cafe by his power, just so he could do that. Due to the brand, the divas submit to each other and becoming raging nymphomaniacs, with delicious results. Unbeknownst to them, there is a secret, supernatural agenda.