An Incest is Best Story
Daddy takes his daughter's virginity under the auspices of a secret society that supports families who want their children properly introduced to making love. And although Mom's not present, she's not forgotten either.
Charlie and Ellen visit Lake Havelock with Jennifer and her father. This fan fiction is totally unsolicited by jackieoh, author of "My Mother's Lover," but she's told me she doesn't mind if I post it. If you like it, thank jackie for her story that inspired this one. If you don't like it, blame me, not her. You don't need to read jackie's story to enjoy this so-called missing chapter, but I recommend that you do read her story as soon as you can. You're in for a treat.
An intruder forces me, at gunpoint, to deflower my little fourteen-year-old girl, and then he intends to take his own turn. My reaction is not exactly all it should be. There is a bit of a twist to this one.
Drunken father attacks his daughter, but stops himself before it goes all the way. Later, as he lay asleep, she comes to offer him a bit of comfort. A quickie with no redeeming value, this story was thrown together with the only purpose to hopefully make a few readers happy. In fact, there is only oral activity. Look elsewhere if looking for a serious story.
An Entry in the Contest Contest Contest :)
Al and his daughter Stephanie are enjoying a weekend at a motorcycle rally. When Stephanie sees a sign for a contest where they can with two motorcycles and suggests they enter, she has no idea what she's suggesting. Al knows what she's suggesting, but he still gets more than he expected after his daughter talks him into competing. / (Reviews)
CAUTION! This is a very dark story with an ugly ending. It's pretty damn sick if I'm honest. There's no love or romance at all in this black tale of cheating, deceit and revenge. My wife was killed and my stepdaughter hurt in an auto accident; some guy I'd never heard of was driving them at the time. Turned out that my son and I hadn't ever really known the two women who'd been in our lives for the past eight years. In the end, everybody lost.
Jayne can't take another second of her mom's constant lecturing. Now she's on her own, on the street. She planned to walk to the rough side of town and find some kind man to relieve her of her troublesome virginity. Now she is surrounded by three big guys and thinking, "Maybe I didn't think this through!"