I've spent most of my life in parts of the world where English-English is used, and I'm now living in the United States, so - spelling is arbitrarily mid-Atlantic, sometimes English and sometimes American. You might find a z where you would expect an s (and vice versa), and the letter u is sometimes in its English place in a word, and sometimes omitted, as in American usage. And other peculiarities will doubtless arise... Please make allowances for this odd behavior/behaviour when scoring me!
I hope you enjoy my tales! Please give email feedback, which tells me what you like, and encourages me to write more. Please take a moment to score my stories - either the TPA version (Technical, Plot, Appeal) - reached via the 'Expanded voting form' link at the end of a story, or use the simple version. With TPA, please don't mark me down in Technical for using the 'other' spelling - English-English if you're American, and American-English if you're from the other side of the pond!