In this tale a son tells the tale of his scheming mother’s rise from trailer trash to sophisticated socialite using her sexual charms. She humiliates her son by telling his friends and family about the time she caught him masturbating with her panties. He waits his time but eventually he his revenge.
Ordinary software developer Ian Jackson has been sucked into a videogame. He's trapped in a JRPG and must fight his way out. His task is hampered by enemies that know more than a game character should. They fight dirty, they use sex and their attacks are most definitely not appropriate for family-friendly entertainment! Will Jackson be able to resist the temptations of succubi and other sexy monster girls and escape this videogame nightmare...
Dreams and nightmares are not confined to the the dark. To travel out in the open you need a strength of mind to prevent your own demons from getting loose. There are enough of everyone else's horrors running around to keep you busy.
A Christmas Story by Forgotten Idol (1) A christmas story from my twisted, sadistic little mind. Kristy is assualted by three christmas elves after they are left at her house by a drunken Santa.
The Emma Watson Chronicles episode (1) The young actress has just Daniel on her mind as she finishes her forth movie, however, on returning to her hotel, she finds herself in a strange world, where she has to lose something dear to her in oder to save not just her own life, but the whole of humanity