David and Julie loved one another but couldn't co-exist as husband and wife. It's been 5 years since their divorce and their lives have changed dramatically. Is it too late for a second chance? / (Reviews)
A story in the Not a White Knight in LA Universe
As the story starts, David Barnes is greeted by his two women after he arrives at home after the most unusual contract closing of his life. Sam has mind-fucked him and he has two problems: 1) he enjoyed it, and 2) when she does it again she wants some sweet company for the exercise. Chapter 1 deals with how Barnes moves from the first closing to the second. Chapters 2 and 3 deal with the events of the second closing. Avanti and Excalibur fans, take note. Note: there is father-daughter incest.
In the future we finally have complete control over our own bodies, even to the point of using them as collateral for loans. So what happens when some rich bitch can't pay what she owes? She gets seize and sold to the highest bidder. Unfortunately for her that bidder is someone with a score to settle
All through rural America small towns are drying up and blowing away. The small town of Lesserton has found a way to prosper under these hard economic conditions. All it took was three men's will to attract the right kind of people to a place willing to ignore convention.
A Ginnie's Journey Story (1) An older sorority sister revives a forgotten initiation rite for a revitalized sorority. The story involves a secret code, a statue, and a bit of Lesbian sex -- something for everybody! Not the kind of story I usually write, or that you usually find here, but I think you'll like it. / (Reviews)
This is another of my stories about women together, this time of age and more certain about what they want and how to get it. As a fellow author put it, women are more likely to remember what led up to the act rather than the actual act itself, and the fact of remembrance brings pleasant tingles to the belly.