A Star Wars Fan-fiction story
This story is related to my "Twist of Fate" serial and set before events in Part 1 of that story. This tale also references some of the events in my main universe story "The Slave Princess". Please read "Twist of Fate" before reading this supplemental story.
An entrepreneur retires and moves in with his daughter's family. Using a corporation he helped set up, he begins having her friends mind-trained and having flagrant sex with them. Then he sets his eyes on her ...
In the NEAR FUTURE of 1951, astounding adventurer JASMINE STARR - along with her long suffering maid CLAUDETTE T.S GRANT and ace reporter MARK STYLES - have blasted off in Jasmine's brand new ATOMIC ROCKET...only to find themselves caught in a WAR between AYTAN ZARDO, THE EMPEROR OF SPACE and the UNION OF FREE PEOPLES that seek to keep the solar system from the grasp of Zardo's tyranny. CAN JASMINE SAVE THE EARTH? OR WILL ALL BE LOST? Sponsored by BLUE COAL!
The weekly round up of local hookers was in full swing, when one lovely lady caught Lieutenant Cynthia O'Rourke's eye, making her deserving of personal attention.