A phone call from a woman is met by a puzzled thought till the penny drops and two women are remembered from a previous encounter, but the surprise was when he was coming up to fuck them for on the previous encounter any form or suggestion of a sexual nature was met with horror. The invite is accepted but the question remains what turned them? - read on
A mature couple escapes to the seaside and needs some breakfast. Given that they are naturists at heart and quite hungry, this breakfast on the beach may seem quite unusual. An early morning story with several casual encounters.
Last night I did something I have been afraid I would do, but also dreaming of for a long time. I walked out to my car stark naked - filming myself with a Go Pro on a selfie stick - and started driving. I wanted to do something I had dreamed of for a long time: To lock myself out from the car - stark naked - a long way from home.
A cyclist returns home, happy his hostile wife is not home has a shower and naked is in the kitchen, suddenly turns around notices the note that explained the woman standing in front of him. He knows her and that she is not to with it, the notes says entertain her, he smiles and tells her to feel his balls, that leads to a marathon orgy of sex but he just keeps pumping belly swelling juices up her - read on
A young woman tries her hand at ring catfighting at an underground club. It's an ominous sign when her confident opponent climbs into the wring and clips a clothesline across her corner, with the panties of all her recent victories clipped to it!
What happens to the new and inexperienced cutie when faced with this hot tough girl who is bent on getting another pair of panties for her clothesline?
Amy has started to read a Letters column is a men's magazine and finds it entertaining. But as she reads, old memories begin to haunt her and take her on a strange ride down Memory Boulevard.
Wes and Amber invite another couple, Rod and Anne, along for a double date. It's amazing what having another couple naked on a blanket nearby can do to make your own fuck with your date totally erotic.