Patrick had two sisters, a mother, two aunts and a grandmother. When he somehow got permission to let him photograph their breasts, for a college project, it set in motion a chain of events that would eventually involve the police, an internet company, about five hundred pounds of plaster, and possibly the value of ice cream stocks on Wall Street. Like the breasts he so loved to work with, Pat's life would grow and ripen. But things kept going wrong, and the reprecussions were adding up.
The continuing saga of Mike Stewart from the Defenceman. If you haven't read that, then a lot of this won't make sense. This tale encompasses the spring and summer semesters after Mike's first year at U of M. New adventures, women and the draft are in store for Mike while he takes a break from hockey. Come along and see where in the world he ends up while meeting and helping people as only our hero can.
A young retired army officer scarred from the battles he fought in a near apocalyptic war is hired as security for an all-girl Irish band. They’re young, talented, beautiful, and nuttier than a bag of squirrels. Some want to rip his throat out while others just want to rip his clothes off! Add to the mix a set of bad guys threatening to kidnap the girls and a legendary SpecFor captain who wants to use him as a spy. Should be easy, right...?
Samantha moves to town, and Peter is immediately smitten. However, Sam's hiding something, and Pete doesn't know what it is. Will he find out? Will it matter?
Warning: this story is *very* slow. It's 12,600 words and all the sex is at the end <G>. / (Reviews)
Ana is an Arachne (half human, half spider). Living among humans, her survival is threatened when a drifting Vietnam vet named Darren triggers her desire to mate. Matters are made worse by a group of monster hunters who are poking around town looking for her. Will her love of humans win out, or will her killer instincts prevail? Sex and violence go hand in hand as Ana faces an uncertain future as the last of her kind. This story takes place in the HFHM Universe.
A story in the 'Avatar' Universe
A man is chosen to be the Avatar of a Goddess of sex. At least, he thinks she's a Goddess. But, of course, nothing is ever exactly as it seems and being an Avatar can be very interesting. This story has a LOT of sex. It does have a plot as well, which becomes more prevalent in the later chapters.