Just a little flash story about confronting a cheating spouse. Husband deals with his wife and mother-in-law from hell when discussing what really happened at the sister's wedding.
What does an alphabet soup agent do when he retires at an early age? Does he just drop off the grid or does he take what has been given to him and try to make a life out of it? Read and you can follow along and see how Jason copes with life after the hectic life of an agent.
A soup of the day Story (7) john, "Personal relationships make you crazy." Wheels and deals. New technology all in a flash fiction format. quick and dirty
This is another love story with action, tears, sex and heartbreak. Jakes loves his job but his perfect life is turned upside down when he meets the woman of his dreams on the job. Their eyes have met but they are from different worlds.
Intrigue in the Office Basement! A Boss gets an unexpected surprise! His new Junior Accountant proves that not only is she a good sport'"she's also not afraid to get her dainty little fingers dirty. An unexpected embarrassing accident starts the two of them on a endearing friendship that will last a lifetime. If you've ever worked in a Corporate office, don't be surprised if you find yourself relating to this endearing little story in a good way.