Death and corruption in a small Georgia town. Those of you who read my adult novel "The Matchmaker Bandits: The Great Hippocrates Robberies" will recognize this as Part 5 with the adult content and Matchmaker Bandits Chapters removed.
An explosion and fire leaves Cosette, 10, and her mom Syl in crisis, they stay with their divorced neighbor Julie. But where's Sette's dad (Theo)? At Julie's, her ex-husband and his gorgeous admin (now his 2nd wife) visit often, staying, uh, overnight. Together in her bed. Really? How does that even work? Theo is back; he's studly in bed but unemployed, they're at risk for homelessness. Fond of Sette, Julie worries. What to do? (No under 14 sex.)
A divorced man's love luck slowly begins to change for the better, once he finds his own secret garden and prepares for a happier future while dark clouds of danger threaten all around him. Will his new lovers also find that this is the role that they've been waiting their lives for? A long novel length Romance/Mystery/Adventure EOTW story with lots of codes used, mostly involving erotic D/s role-playing between consenting adults. Slow... but much sex!
Wild hogs are dangerous. They have been known to kill and eat humans. This is the story of how one family makes its living by hunting wild hogs. 10 chapters.