fourteen-year-old Colorado ranching family boy, Cory Stanton, has come into season, in a family tradition that a boy in the family coming into season is first initiated by a family member. His mother sends him up into the mountains with his older half brother, Thad, to avoid Cory being taken by his father. But there are other Stanton men around, willing, and able, in this tale of incest in the old West.
A My Submissive Librarian Novella Story A lesbian submissive story Giving an interview to a podcaster, my submissive girlfriend Novella makes sure I'll get the treatment any erotica author deserves. As licking turns to fingering and words to moans, the poor interviewer has an increasingly hard time holding herself back. Will it be possible to interview me without masturbating?
As the author of "Pride and Prejudice", I can state with authority that prejudices are best kept private. It's very unwise to display one's bias in public, as the unfortunate fellow in this story learns.
A seemingly innocent interest by a woman about the welfare of stock boys in a supermarket is transformed with a new boy to an obsession. Due to his home situation, she invites him to share her home much to the chagrin of her husband of twenty five-years. After finding evidence that the boy is masturbating with the help of the internet, her strict religious conviction’s leads to an irrational attempt to cure him.