A twenty-two year recent college graduate is given a blank check by her parents to see the world and she travels in style. When she meets a young couple in India she goes wild and explores her sexuality to the max.
Beautiful blond, blue-eyed, fourteen-year-old German boy, Stefan, is taken on a business trip to Portugal by his stepfather, Baron Manfred von Althaus, who is negotiating a deal to provide fighting bulls to Portuguese bullfighting impresario Luis Nuncio of the premier Lisbon bullring, the Camp Pequeno. Nuncio has met Stefan in Germany and wants him as part of the deal. Nuncio is old, fat, and ugly. In stark contrast, the matadors in Portugal are handsome, brave, virile, and vigorous.
A Country Boy, City Girl Story Honey Silver's first video for Rocco is a success, so they decide to turn it into an actual series. But this time, it is decided that the setting will be a family outing to a local amusement park. But she is also in for a surprise when she learns who is cast as her sister.
a Paul & Paula 21 story
Today, 11 June, 2021, is Paul Macon's fifteenth birthday. That means that exactly one year ago he turned fourteen, and Paula Akron just four days before that. And we all know what happens on SoL when you turn fourteen! -- I'm numbering them so that they will be listed in chronological order. Every now and then I might stick something in that happened before something else.
Kraken. An ancient deity that everyone fears. And what does he himself think about this. Maybe his tentacles want to bring everyone's good to this world?
She was from another planet who lived here for a million years hidden among us. At different points of time she takes on different disguises to fit in. This is one of her stories.