A The Chronicles of Dan Hayward Story (64) On this day, Dan and Tina are enjoying a sensual evening date and dancing until disaster cuts their night short.
A Freya Cycle Story (3) What do you do if helping your best friend heal can injure you as much as they are? Are you willing to pay the price or will you walk away? Find out what happened when Brett Hogan faced that decision. Read Triad.
Jack is very attracted to his daughter's friend Ronni. Not only is she a family friend, but she's only 15. His better judgment tells him to leave her alone. But Ronni doesn't want to be left alone. She tempts Jack with words and pictures. But curvaceous young Ronni is hard to resist.
Wanda finds a book on hypnosis in her son's room and soon learns who his 'subject' is to be. Pretending to be under his spell Wanda discovers just how far he will take a willing subject.