The story centers around the small town of Crow Town, after most of the US and the rest of the world had sunk down into the Earth, like the legend of Atlantis, and are now underwater. A day after the global flooding, a sinister creature that resembles something out of a fairy tale, visits different people from Muslim students suffering abuse from the towns residents, rednecks, school bullies and all-time losers, granting them darkest desires and making them come true.
A filthy, way over-the-top fantasy, on the theme of the total supremacy of the cock. So, in a world where all is dedicated to the service of the hard cock, cunts and cunt-boys are regularly sexually abused, tortured and destroyed in massive public displays, organised on an industrial scale, and the thousands and thousands of male clients who make up the audiences are provided with every opportunity to indulge themselves in whatever way they desire. Be aware, a disgusting and violent story...