For the first time in his life, James desires a human man and feels the urge to make him into his son. First he must invite this man to join his family of werewolves.
Follow the new God, Ian, as He experiences the longest Saturday ever known, and in which He ties many loose ends, consolidates power over the nations, expands his empire, and brings leaders and governments to heel. Oh, and he gets laid a lot along the way.
A story of transformation from a normal life to one that is a bit more unusual. Of a girl who discovers her love, her life, and her place in this world.
This is the story of a man who finds that his wife has been cheating on him over 5,000 times during a 25 year period and he goes insane and seeks vengeance. His blood line is dead because his wife had him get fixed but she gave him children from other men to raise, unknown to him.