A Story in the Ruby Red Universe
Max and Ryan make up a team out to rescue a kidnapped mother and daughter. Max thinks of the girl as a sister, having lost her parents. The girls grandfather wants them found and he makes certain that nothing will stand in the way of finding them. Ryan has one thing going for him, trust.
This story is being edited. It makes for a better story too.
A Clar war Story (5) When I joined the navy I was chosen for small craft warfare. In my case it was coastal patrols on boats. When I added my present to the barrel of my auto cannon it turned into something even more deadly. Of course there are other dangers than boats or planes firing at us. I learned that lesson on our first patrol when the enemy blows up a trawler in our face.
A Clar war Story (4) There are many types of airships but a Dragon is one of the deadliest. I became a pilot for one and was sent to war. There is nothing like the feel of speeding just above the trees or making a strike. A side mission on the way back to base earns me a surprising gift. Of course the first taste of combat for my navigator was all he could take. Now it was time we took the fight to the enemy.
A story in the Roleplay fantasy world Universe
Sure, I've seen the movies and TV shows where SpecOps units pull off some big mission and then get the bad guys after them individually. That's just in the movies, right? Well, sometimes life is Like a Movie
A Nexus Story (4) This is the introduction piece for a series to come called Nexus Interludes. It will be a series of short stories that occur shortly after Nexus Evolution but are meant to be stand-alone. The stories can be read in any order. Of course, reading the entire Nexus series first would give you a fuller frame of reference. I intend these to be fun and a little more spicy than I usually write, but I also want to add detail to the Nexus Universe. Stand by for more!