This is now the story that started my career as Black Bull for couples. My best friend and his lovely beautiful tiny little Hispanic wife are my first experience at it.
Why doesn't it feel like it? Why did she wear that revealing dress to the seedy bar? Why did she play that game?
Please note that incest tags have been added as a caution. The story doesn't have incest except for maybe two-three lines. I don't want to spoil it but if you are reading this for incest, you will be disappointed.
Warning: The story becomes sick and violent towards the end. The story doesn't have a nice happy ending,at least not for everybody.
Sorry for the grammatical mistakes.
Male domination on the weaker sex
I walk to work through the industrial district when it starts raining on this Monday morning. I take shelter under a covered doorway when suddently I'm abducted and I wake up tied down to a stone table. And that's when you walk in...
Allen Gordon has a strange, but mostly settled and content life with a girlfriend, cushy job, and paid-for home, when a bizarre summons from an odd new government agency takes him off-guard and threatens the very genitals that to him define his very manhood itself.