Sequel to Aka Stephanie, but Centered on the Adventures of Susan's Clone, May Day Aka Nansue. Little Susan Is a Constant Non-Verbal Companion, Dependent Ward.
Also ties in HIGH TIDES story, though not quite a sequel.
Brianna-Leah a simple serving wench in the Sheep Dip Pub (circa 1750's London) is framed for a crime she didn't commit. She is convicted and sentenced. Publicly whipped and incarcerated in the Women's Gaol. There she encounters the notorious Matron Copps who runs a tight ship and keeps her wooden paddle at the ready. Her story takes an interesting if bizarre turn. Read on if you dare.
A rather rough and disgusting story, written a long time ago but never posted anywhere. What can happen when the pretty wife of a white-collar criminal catches the eye of a corrupt and deviant warden? Certainly nothing good...