Kalina and her twin sister Emily are stranded on a deserted Isle with the only other survivor of a shipwreck. Mr. Donovan teaches them both the ways of the world without any fancy talk. Soon, fate has her stranded alone and she is suddenly confronted by a shipload of Pirates looking for booty. She witnesses their rough treatment of two female prisoners, mother and daughter, and sees them all depart leaving only the young daughter crying on the beach. Now she must comfort the young girl.
LeMarquis: strip club evolving to erotic art Part of the Sexual Revolutionaries universe
When a victimized young woman runs into even worse danger, she happily encounters some women of the sword, who teach a few punks, "Never bring a knife to a sword fight."
Like long, hard things driving into soft warm flesh? That does describe both body parts and swords.
The comment part of other story collection contains small stories from Anonymous. When I met cheater wife recovering husband with newer wife or woman story I publish it. These stories are as the folklore for everyone.
"Bum-bashing" is a term for unprovoked physical attacks, usually by delinquent youths, on the homeless. It has been described by the Sun-Sentinel as a "pastime for youths with too much time on their hands and too much violence in their souls." The following story is based on true events... VIEWER DISCRETION ADVISED!
As civilization destroys itself, some people just want to find a home. Simon Woodsman is one of these people and he's prepared to do what ever it takes to make his dream a reality.
When you go shopping you shouldn't always assume that well dressed customers are everything that they seem to be. They might just have robbery on their mind.
Michele is a secret transvestite who like to dress up at home and have solo fun. What she doesn't know is that the vicious rapist known as the Predator is secretly watching her. What the Predator doesn't know is that Michele is a transvestite; he thinks she is a mature sexy lady. He breaks into Michele's house and the fun begins.