A young, white Christian wife repeatedly raped by a black man while husband is away, until she reluctantly and gradually develops a preference for her rapist's black cock.
Halloween 2024
Candy can't stop thinking about her new hire, Nick. Every time he smiles at her, it makes her insides feel warm and gooey. She doesn't love that he also smiles at and flirts with her sister, Chrissy. And he can be so cruel. Why does he have to hurt her? And why does she get so wet whenever he does?
A mysterious alien ray gun turns up at Dan's front porch and shakes up his life, as well as those of his neighbors, friends, family, etc. Suffice it to say that the answer that question is, "Yes!"
A My Changing Life Story (1) If you are anal then don't read it. It is about a man from his teen years on. He tries to do the right thing but considering how fucked up his life is, he doesn't always have the tools to figure out what the right thing is. There is at least one scene with c&b torture but it is brief and not a main part of the story. The story progresses past modern times, so I classified it as sci-fi. Enjoy
The fourteen-year-old Filipino towel boy at a New Orleans French Quarter male brothel, Mama Rosa's, gets initiated with the rubber hand-tipped scepter of a former Mardi Gras king.
A Lexi's Investigations Story (9) The FBI needs a college girl to plant as a rich person-of-interest's sugar baby. Lexi needs a chance to impress the FBI.