Cain is growing up and his Mom is trying to keep pace with his sexual needs! At first she's coping well, but there is something about Cain she is unaware of; something very unnatural. ... Not a tale for readers requiring a quick-release; still, if ya have the staying power, well, come up an see me sometime!
Arms Dealer Chris Schreck is celebrating a successful arms fair with friends at a strip club in Valencia. The girls are from Romania and as they make the inevitable vampire jokes, one of them says she has vampiric boobies. Schreck takes her upstairs and discovers her words were not a joke...
An ageless vampire meets an unrelenting woman determined to end his existence. It takes courage to spend the night with your equal. She willed him to stay as he fed on her blood and made love to her. A battle of wills ensues. Who will be the victor?
For Halloween: Twice yearly in the late 18th century, the choir master of Munich Cathedral, in Bavaria, Otto Strickler, takes a coach up to Castle Ringang in the perpetual shadow of the Alps to collect a large donation from the patron, the forever forty-year-old Baron Derick von Obertstdorf. Each time the baron requires Strickler to bring an unsullied fourteen-year-old boy angel with him for the night. It's handsome, blond, boy treble soloist, and orphan Jan Becker's turn.
The Vampire Lestat has come out of hiding to fill us in on the missing pieces of Anne Rice's novel, The Vampire Lestat. Lestat's intimate relationship with his immortal mother, Gabrielle and all the particulars of having an Undead Lover. Enter if you dare!