Buffy's New Reality - Cover

Buffy's New Reality

by JRParz

Copyright© 2007 by JRParz

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Thanks to a brand new reality, Buffy is feeling mighty horny these days... fucking Spike, Giles and Faith along the way! Just what has happened in Sunnydale to cause all this?

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Ma/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Reluctant   Rape   Mind Control   Hypnosis   Magic   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Fan Fiction   Paranormal   Vampires   DomSub   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Rough   Humiliation   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Transformation   .

I wrote this BEFORE Spike and Buffy became an item during the actual show and due to Dawn's age at the time I only touched on her character lightly.

I. Willow

Willow couldn't get enough as she eagerly lapped at Tara's wet pussy... she had already made Tara cum twice and she could tell that her lover was on the way towards another orgasm by the way she was thrusting up her pelvis.

"Aahahhhhhhhhhhhh" Tara cried out, exploding in orgasm.

As they lay cuddling, Willow felt a heightened pleasure at knowing that she made Tara happy... but she also felt saddened at knowing that their evening of lovemaking was over...

Had it only been three months since they met? All her friends still thought of Tara as sweet, shy and angelic. It was white magic that had drawn them together, but it was 'black magic' that kept them together.

It all started because she felt 'left out' and lonely because Buffy was spending all her free time with Riley. Not that she blamed Buffy, but where did that leave her? It almost seemed that Tara's entrance was a blessing... at least that was what she thought at the time. They were both practicing witches, so they 'hit' it off from the get go, but then about a month down the road everything suddenly turned 'dark'...

"So, you finally caught me," Tara sighed, adding, "But no matter because I've prepared for the occasion".

"Prepared?" she asked, confused and still shocked at Tara's deception.

"Yes, I prepared by tying a knot sort of speak," Tara replied with a grin.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about but I'm leaving" she responded and headed towards the door.

"Tell me, Willow... how familiar are you with love knots?"

Willow stopped cold as she turned back to Tara. Of course she knew about love knots... they were very powerful and could only be cast with dark magic.

"At midnight tonight you'll be learning the affects first hand," Tara added with a smile.

"What are you talking about?" she finally responded, still amazed at how strange Tara was acting.

"Soon everything will become clearer," Tara replied.

Willow glanced down at her wristwatch and saw that she had less than an hour before midnight, but this still didn't make sense to her... why a love knot?

"You still don't get it, do you?" Tara asked, smiling.

"Why are you scaring me?" she responded.

"I'm amazed at how naive you are, Willow... Are you trying to tell me that you haven't caught my vibes? Haven't you seen the way I look at you? I'm a lesbian and I've wanted you since the first day I met you. You have no idea how hard this friendship has been for me".

"But... but I'm not a lesbian," she whispered in response... utterly shocked at Tara's declaration.

"That's where the love knot comes in... so, it doesn't matter that you're not a lesbian now because at midnight you'll feel quite differently".

"I'm leaving," she whispered, and then headed again for the door.

Tara made no effort to stop her but she did shout "feel free to call me later" just as she was exiting.

Willow remembered walking home in a daze, wondering if Tara might be playing some sort of practical joke on her. The first thing she had to do was contact Buffy, but then the chances of finding her back at the dorm were probably slim. Then she considered calling Xander... or better yet, Giles... but what if Tara was just 'playing' with her... it was certainly too late at night to start waking up her friends.

"Damn Riley," she muttered to herself, noting Buffy was out, and proceeded to pace the floor waiting for midnight.

When it 'hit' her, she literally dropped down to her knees... as a searing heat enveloped her groin like never before, spreading throughout her body like wildfire inflaming her pleasure centers... before finally settling deep in her heart.

When she finally recovered she found herself lying on the floor and quickly picked herself up to make a phone call...

"Hi Willow," Tara answered on the first ring.

"Tara... I... I... I need to see you," she responded with desperate 'need', noting that Tara's voice alone was turning her on!

"Of course you do, sweetie... but first things first," Tara replied.

"Oh, God... Tara... anything!" she cried.

"Bring me D'Hoffryn's amulet" Tara commanded.

"D'Hoffryn's amulet... but why?" she asked.

"Because it's your ticket to the warm wet spot between my legs, Willow... otherwise don't bother coming over," Tara responded.

"I'll bring it," she quickly replied... "I'll be over in 15 minutes!"

Willow rushed to retrieve the amulet despite knowing that it would make Tara pretty much invincible... but her 'need' to be with her overrode every other consideration.

So, 19 minutes and 27 seconds later... with the amulet in hand... she stood outside Tara's apartment door, knocking... and when Tara answered the door, she nearly swooned from the sight of her.

Tara smiled as she took the amulet from her... and after placing it on the table; she opened her arms to her.

Willow rushed into them... hugging and kissing her... thirsty for Tara's lips. She understood that the 'Love Knot' was making her feel this way, but it was way too powerful to resist as sexual arousal flooded her entire being. Artificial or not, she could feel her love for Tara growing by the second and tried to start stripping Tara of her shirt.

"I need you," she whimpered.

"I know," Tara replied, smiling.

She remembered thinking from time to time how it would feel to make love to another girl and now she knew... coming harder and longer for Tara that night than she had for Oz in their entire time together.

In public, everyone saw their close friendship turn 'intimate' and for the most part, her friends appeared happy for them. In this day and age when it was fashionably 'kewl' for teen girls to be lovers, no one really raised their eyebrows. Of course in private, everything wasn't as it seemed and she desperately wanted to tell her friends that she was under a spell, but Tara forbade it and that's all it took because Tara's word was law... and making Tara happy meant everything to her.

Behind closed doors, Tara exerted a dominant personality that rendered her nothing more than a 'sex slave'. Although she had felt humiliated in the early goings, there was no denying the pleasure... and what made it especially difficult was the fact that she 'got off' every time she made Tara happy.

II. (Tara)

Tara climbed out of bed with a most satisfied 'look'. Willow was insatiable... but of course this was her doing... knowing that even as Willow dreamed that she would still feel a craving to be with her. She loved how vulnerable and sexy Willow looked sleeping and smiled at her red curly patch of pubic hair that was neatly trimmed just above her swollen 'wet' vulva. "Sleep, my sweet pussy Willow," she whispered, adding, "Sleep and dream of me".

Tara walked out of her bedroom and into her private room, where a huge pentagram drawn in chalk covered the hardwood floor. She knelt down in the middle of the pentagram and began to chant...

"D'Hoffryn... Lord of Demons. D'Hoffryn... Lord of Demons. D'Hoffryn... Lord of Demons. D'Hoffryn... Lord of Demons. D'Hoffryn... Lord of Demons".

Suddenly, a flash exploded around her and the powerful Lord D'Hoffryn appeared. She quickly lowered her head and prostrating herself before him.

"Ah, yes... my sweet little Witch 'Demoness-to-be'... Are you ready to journey to Arashmahrr?" D'Hoffryn asked with an evil grin.

"Yes, my lord..." she responded in timid subservience.

"Tonight you become the most powerful demoness in my command".

"I'm ready my lord!" She cried out in excitement... feeling a rush of pleasure deep inside her groin... Despite her lesbianism, she always felt a stirring when she was in the Lord's presence.

"So be it," D'Hoffryn responded... and then with another flash, they both disappeared...

III. (Cordelia - In LA, California)

Cordelia Chase knew she was having a nightmare, but even that didn't help her wake up. Her greatest fear, Haxil Beast, stood in front of her... massive and huge. She remembered all to well the last time he enslaved her and the memory made her shudder. But hadn't Angel banished him?

(((You escaped me once... not again))) the voice boomed inside her skull.
"Get away from me! Leave me alone!" She shouted back.

(((Soon you'll be singing a different tune)))

"This isn't real! Leave me alone!" she shouted again.

(((Soon))) the beast responded... and then disappeared.

Cordelia woke, shaking... and soaked. She knew it was only a dream but it scared her just the same. She tried to recall something specific about the dream but found she couldn't... and when she reached down to touch herself she blushed at how 'wet' she was...

IV. (Tara - Early morning in her apartment, Sunnydale, CA)

Tara grinned... She was now a Demoness... and combined with her witchcraft, this made her the most powerful Demoness in existence. Now, she possessed the power to alter reality in any way she desired and it was affecting her like an aphrodisiac. Unlike Anyanka, who needed to rely on vengeance for her powers, she didn't have any petty restrictions... and the only thing that her Lord demanded from her was to render the slayer a non combatant. She smiled at the thought of what she had in store for her...

V. (Buffy - Morning in her bedroom, Sunnydale, CA)

Buffy woke... HORNY! Quickly, she reached down to touch herself and almost came when she entered herself!

Riley was out of town and had been for a whole week and oh how she wished that he was here this very moment...

"Damn," she mumbled to herself, actually feeling herself throbbing. She desperately needed a 'fuck' and could visualize Riley slamming in and out of her, prompting her finger to thrust in and out harder with each passing second and seconds later she cried out, exploding to an orgasm... and only for a moment did she worry that her younger sister might have heard her.

VI. (Cordelia - Late afternoon, LA, CA)

"Is this the correct address?" Cordelia wondered out loud. Her agent had called this morning and told her that a producer friend wanted to use her for a small part in a television movie. She had done 'readings' in strange places before but never at someone's house.

She knocked on the door and a man answered... looking in his mid fifties. He grinned down at her and something about him made her feel intimidated and weak in his presence.

"Cordelia Chase?" he asked in a deep baritone voice.

"Yes sir," she replied timidly.

"You're late." the man stated in a stern voice.

"I'm sorry, sir" she whispered, feeling strangely embarrassed that she had made him wait.

"Come in," he finally responded, opening the door wider.

She followed the man into his living room and then stopped in surprise. "Am I the only one here?" she asked, confused.

"Yes... and there won't be any reading," he replied with a smile.

"I don't understand," she responded... suddenly becoming nervous.

"Get your clothes off," The man stated.

Cordelia crisscrossed her arms over her body like she was ready to pull off her sweater but then suddenly stopped, realizing what she was about to do.

"Hmmm... let me rephrase that," the man remarked out loud.

"Look, I'm not the type of actress that strips for the camera," she blurted out, trying to make sense of this.

"I'm not telling you to strip for the camera, Cordelia... I'm telling you to strip for me," the man replied.

"Well then I'm out of here," she responded and turned to head towards the door.

"But you don't want to leave, Cordelia... What you want is for me to see you naked," the man responded in a pleasant soft tone.

Suddenly she stopped in mid stride... and wondered, was he right? She turned back to face him and thought that it might really be wonderful if he did see her naked...

"Yes, you're right... I do want you to see me naked," she replied, smiling, yet bashful at the same time.

"That's a good girl... and not only do you want me to see you naked but I bet as you strip for me that you'll feel very, very sexy".

Cordelia looked at the man and wondered if she should apologize for her earlier behavior but then thought the best way she could apologize was to quickly show him her body. Quickly, she pulled her sweater up over her head and let it drop to the floor... then unhooked her bra, releasing her nice firm breasts. She knew that she had nice ones as she proudly thrust them out for him. She also started to feel sexy and brought her hands up to cup them, eliciting a pleasant tingling inside her groin as she did. Then she stripped off her pants and lowered her thongs and blushed when the material of her thong momentarily stuck to her moist lips below.

She smiled at him in all her naked splendor... knowing that she looked sexy and incredibly 'hot'!

"How do you feel, Cordelia?"

"I... I feel REAL sexy," she responded with a grin.

"I bet you're feeling very, very horny, too," the man stated.

Cordelia blushed when she discovered the man was right! Sexy was one thing, having always been pleased with her body, but why would she start feeling horny? Then she questioned why she was standing in the middle of the run before this man, stark naked, but it was hard to focus given how much horny she was becoming.

"I bet you're so horny that you want me to fuck you," the man added.

Did she? It did make sense... "I... I want you to fuck me," she whispered, surprised at how forward she sounded. She glanced down at her heaving breasts and saw that she was cupping them... her nipples at this point were rock hard!

VII. (Buffy - Back in Sunnydale, Midnight during her patrol)

The night was pleasant as Buffy patrolled... and then quite suddenly she came to a halt. Was that moaning she heard? Her slayer attributes enabled her to approach undetected and what she discovered nearly floored her. Two girls... very pretty girls... looking about high school age... were passionately making out!

She'd been horny all day and had masturbated several times... but what she was witnessing right now was affecting her in ways that she didn't think possible. Slowly, she moved closer to the girls...

They appeared so innocent and unsure of their selves... almost like their 'need' for one another was new. She watched as they helped each other strip off their clothes, slowly and yet with a touch of anxiousness. Without consciously realizing what she was doing her right hand moved down to rub against her crotch as she succumbed to her new desires...

Never had she ever entertained the idea of 'making' it with another girl before, but the sight of these two girls elicited feelings that she never knew existed... Had she always harbored latent lesbian tendencies?

The blonde girl looked huge on top... especially on her slim frame, reminding her of that famous 'pop' star that showcased her assets for 'Rolling Stone'... the brunette's tits were on the smaller side but very perky... just perfect size for her mouth. Suddenly she blushed at her thoughts, but there was no use denying them.

Buffy pulled down her jeans... slid aside her thongs... and entered herself with three fingers... easily slipping into her wet 'folds'. She gasped and had to bite down on her lip to suppress crying out. The intensity of her 'need' demanded she orgasm.

As she continued to watch the girls 'play' with one another she quietly masturbated. Oh god how she wished that she could join them! She wanted to cum so desperately... she needed to cum!

'What the hell am I doing?!?' she suddenly asked herself in shock and with tremendous willpower she stopped masturbating. The girls at this point were indulging in the classic '69'.

"Stop this!" she yelled at them.

"Who's there?" the blonde responded, looking up from between the brunette's spread legs.

Buffy quickly withdrew her sticky fingers... pulled up her thongs and jeans... and then hightailed it out of there! She knew it was too dark for the girls to have seen her, but she was embarrassed nonetheless... and her mind kept on going back to the blonde.

When she was far enough away not to be seen or heard, she started to sprint... and cried along the way...

What was happening to her? As much as she deplored her actions back there she wanted so very much to rush back there and have sex with those girls! She felt 'wanton' and out of control... and her body screamed for satisfaction! She wanted to fuck! Correction... she 'needed' to fuck! Then the image of Angel assaulted her and this made it worse!

Then quite suddenly she came to a halt...

"Spike!" she cried out.
Then without even consideration the implications, she sprinted with even greater speed and bee-lined it to Spike's cave.

VIII. (Spike - His cave)

Spike was in the middle of a threesome, indulging in a couple of mortal lovelies that he had enthralled at the Club. Now, the vampiress 'want-a-bees' eagerly allowed their hot 'wet' bodies to be ravished by him. Normally, he didn't exert mesmerism power over his sex partners, thanks to his natural charm, but when these girls balked at the idea of female-female sex, he simply had to take charge. Now, these former heterosexual gals loved each other's pussy as much as they loved his cock...

Spike had them lying on their backs... one on top of the other... The girl on the bottom played with the other girl's tits as he 'jackhammered' the both of them, one stroke at a time... He knew that after he fucked them that they'd be eager for more, but he also made it where they'd seek each other out when he preferred moving on.

Both girls possessed dark hair... one wore it shorter than the other... and their tits were on the small side but at the moment all he cared about was their pussies as he plummeted in and out of them.

"So, this is how you spend your nights, huh? Now that you're no longer able to suck their blood, you fuck them instead," a soft familiar voice stated from behind him.

"Buffy!" Spike responded in alarm. He was shocked to see the 'Slayer' standing there, openly gazing at him.

"Tell your sex slaves to go home, we need to discuss something".

"Can't you at least wait until after I've 'buggered' them?" Spike asked in frustration, but while his head was turned one of the girls slipped out from underneath him and was already reaching for her clothes... followed by the other and seconds later ran out of the cave. With a simply thought he could have them return, but he could tell that Buffy wasn't in the mood for waiting.

"Thanks a fucking lot," he growled, not bothering to cover his own nudity... and given he hadn't been satisfied, he was still 'rock' hard.
Buffy just stood there staring at him, smirking... almost as if she were sizing him up and based on how she gazed at his cock he'd swear that she 'wanted it'.

"Do you like what you see, Slayer?" he asked, risking getting his ass kicked from his sign of disrespect, but all Buffy did in response was grin... and then in 'Slayer-quick' speed, she stripped out of her clothes... literally shredding her sports bra and thong panties and stood before him naked and panting.

His only thought was that she looked like some out of control animal... but she was certainly an incredibly erotic animal.

"The question is... Vampire... Do you like what YOU see?"

He rushed Buffy, slamming her hard against the wall... turning her 'hot' body around, pinning her arms above her head. Buffy shoved out her 'rump', presenting it to him and he didn't hesitate to thrust his hard cock up into her from behind! She was hot and wet... and very, very loud... as he continued to ram in and out of her!

"Fuck me!" she cried out, over and over again... "Don't fucking stop!" she added, "Harder! Fuck me, harder!"

IX. (Cordelia - Next morning in her apartment, LA, CA)

Cordelia woke up, stretched and yawned... and then when she moved to slide out of bed she felt sore... but why? And why was she naked!?! She quickly reached down to touch herself, realizing that she was not only sore... but very, very 'wet'! Her mind tried to recapture yesterday and that was when it suddenly 'HIT' her!

'Oh my, god!' she thought in alarm. She bounced up out of bed and rushed over to her mirror. Her long dark hair had a tussled sexy look... and her body seemed to vibrate. She felt so alive... so tight... and when she cupped her breasts, she found herself suddenly very, very horny.

She had sex yesterday, but with whom? Did it happen at her reading? Did she get the job? How come she couldn't remember? How come she couldn't remember anything?

Slowly, she made her way down her hallway to her bathroom so she could pee... and when she sat down on the toilet seat, she suddenly saw a flash... and the memory of who fucked her!

The man had been so 'big'! She reached down to cup her mound, not caring that she hadn't finished peeing and was soaking her hand with her urine. The intensity of her new 'need' demanded immediate satisfaction! She entered herself and began masturbating... harder and faster than she ever did... rubbing her clit harder and harder... as her memories all came back to her!

The older man she had met in the house had made her want to fuck him! She saw herself dropping down on her knees; lifting her ass up as if she were presenting it and crying "take me!" over and over again. The stranger had been huge and filled her like no man had ever filled her and brought her to several orgasms... pounding himself into her, over and over and over again!

She remembered he flipped her over onto her back and fucked her missionary, too! And just as she was about to cum from the vivid memories, she remembered feeling his ice-cold semen that filling and coating her insides.

"Oh, my god..." she whispered to herself... fearing that she might be pregnant.

'I have to tell Angel!' she thought to herself... but then she heard Haxil Beast inside her head... (((You will tell no one, bitch... You are my sow now and live only to breed and pleasure me))).

"No!" she shouted out loud, remembering that voice with fear, but a mere second later the fear that she felt was replaced with a tidal wave of pleasure and she cried out with an orgasm!

X. (Tara - In her apartment, Sunnydale)

Tara had Willow eat her out as she monitored the slayer last night... and she woke up feeling rather satisfied with her self... She had planted the two high school girls in the park last night for Buffy's benefit but the Spike detour was all her doing.

She had to giggle at the memory of the two high school girls, remembering how they reacted towards her and Willow holding hands. She saw them smirk and giggle as if they were having a private joke about them. She bore into their minds and saw that they were making fun of them.

The blonde girl was named Heather and the brunette, Maria, and after having a nice talk with them they no longer looked down at her and Willow, but instead felt secretly envious as new desires and needs coursed through there 'hot' bodies. She decided to allow the girls attraction for one another increase throughout the day and not allow them to consummate their new desires until they visited the park late last night.

She used witchcraft to monitor the high school girls' first lesbian tryst and also saw how Buffy reacted to them. Then she watched the added treat when Spike and Buffy attacked one another like lust-crazed animals.

Still, turning Buffy into a nymphomaniac wasn't enough... as she wanted the slayer constantly preoccupied with quenching her desire. Then she smiled when she thought about Faith and thought Faith would be perfect! Both slayers were pretty much equal in strength, although Buffy was the better fighter, but most importantly, they deplored one another. Both had strong wills and didn't take shit from anybody... and then to really put Buffy out of commission, she decided that she needed a real strong dose of docility and decided to make her the 'wife' in the new relationship she had with Faith.

Tara focused her powers and conjured up a brand new reality for Faith... and then focused on Buffy to add a tad bit more to hers. In this reality, Buffy and Faith would still be at odds with one another, but their sudden sexual obsession with one another would force them together intimately. She would activate Faith's desires right away, but would trigger Buffy's only when she saw Faith. This would give new meaning to the words, 'Lust at first sight'.

XI. (Willow - just outside Tara's room)

Willow could hear Tara chanting and wished that she had the power to stop her. Now, she understood why Tara wanted the amulet and she knew that she should do something to stop her before it was too late, but regardless how hard she tried to break the spell binding her, she found it wasn't any use. She loved Tara and because she loved her, she couldn't bring herself to go against her. In fact, it was hard enough just to resist confessing how she felt. She knew that Buffy and the rest of her friends would eventually be Tara's playthings, but there didn't seem to be a thing she could do about it.

XII. (Buffy - Inside her house)

Buffy slept in late... and when she woke, she remembered everything... feeling so incredibly humiliated that she not only cheated on Riley, but to think that she cheated on him with Spike!

'What the hell was I thinking!?!' 'How could I have sunk so low?' she asked herself over and over and over again.

She paced the house thinking if that if she stayed inside and didn't see anybody that maybe she wouldn't be tempted to fuck anyone. She took a long ice cold shower to drive home the point, but as she scrubbed every crevice and pore of her body, the memories of Spike's cock renewed her desire to fuck again. She smiled as she remembered fucking him through the night hours until she quite literally wore him out... and every time she needed him 'hard' again, she went down on him for another round.

As she began masturbating to the images of Spike, she also reflected on the two high school girls again and wondered if she'd been depriving herself of some exciting lesbian sex... The blonde still aroused the fuck out of her and she was tempted to look her up. Now, she masturbated to the image of Spike ramming into her as she ate out the blonde!

Much later, she crawled out of the shower, realizing now that she had cum she could rationalize a bit more. Something wasn't right and she concluded that supernatural forces were at work. She needed help and immediately thought of Giles! He would know what do... and as she started to get dressed, she wondered how 'big' he was.

Buffy knocked on Giles door and blushed when she looked up at him. She could feel her 'need' cry out again and for the first time in her life, she thought that Giles looked especially sexy.

"Oh, Hi Buffy... come in," he responded... opening his door so she could enter.

She could feel his maleness radiate off of him and wondered why she never noticed this before. How come he looked so fucking 'good' to her all of a sudden?

Buffy sat down directly across from him and couldn't help steal glances at the huge bulge in his crotch area of his jeans. 'He's hard, ' she thought with pleasure. Had he been masturbating before she came over? Had she interrupted him before he finished? She licked her lips and wanting so desperately to see his thickened member.

She remembered awhile back barging in on him unannounced... and she had caught him having sex with a woman she'd never seen before. She had been embarrassed, never having looked at him like this and now all she could think about was having Giles fuck her like he had been fucking that woman!

'Oh, god, ' she thought to herself. If she didn't tell him soon about her new 'condition', then she'd be showing him first hand!

"Giles," she started to say and then burst out crying... something that even surprised her. This prompted the very worst thing that could happen as Giles got off his chair and came over to hug her.

'Damn!' she thought to herself, feeling her desire for Giles just magnify all the more.

"What is Buffy... Why are you so rattled? I've never seen you like this," Giles responded in confusion.

Then she 'snapped'... and with slayer like speed and strength she pinned Giles up against the living room wall! Before Giles had a chance to say anything, she unzipped his fly and reached in to pull out his glorious cock!

"Buffy!" he cried out, shocked.

"Giles... I need you! I need you to fuck me!" she screamed at him and giggled when she felt him growing inside her hand.

"No! You can't do this! Fight whatever it is that has you acting this way! Fight it!"

Buffy had no intentions of fighting 'it' and preceded to body slam him, knocking the wind out of him. All she cared about now was his 'cock', which was still very much 'erect'.

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