A Tales from an Ex-Brat Story (4) Another blast from the past. Names have been changed to protect the guilty, and the embarrassed. This tale warns of the perils of overindulging in the good things of life, which may lead to under indulgence in other pleasurable activities. Moreover, although you should not look a gift horse in the mouth one should always be wary of leaping before looking.
A very short story about the love of hairy women! If you are one of those people please enjoy. BUT if you’re not then please pass this story on by … thanks!
One of the true ones. Not for the faint hearted and very explicit. About my ex-boyfriend's birthday party that turned out to be MY party! Although there are pics (taken by Mark), I don't normally send them "out"
Now this one is real, more or less. It didn't happen to me though. It was a friend of mine. I haven't told him I wrote this story about it. Maybe he'll see it one day.