A story in the Central City Universe
A follow on to the Assistants - a story in the Central City Universe by GalTab. Set over 25 years in the future. Scott Burns has fallen on hard times. If he doesn't train his daughters well enough the entire family may end up on the auction block.
His wife has a craving for rough sex every so often. He's never been able to overcome his protective instincts to truly enjoy it, or give her the full level of roughness she wants. When her day-long campaign of calculated irritation piles on top of the rest of the universe doing its best to annoy him, she may have just created a monster.
It's 2068. Nineteen years since the second American civil war, the Cabal crisis, and the ensuing global anarchy that broke the United States into hundreds of autonomous micro states and ended the world as we knew it. A new generation are coming of age in the Chareen Hills. These are the lucky ones. Their tolerably comfortable, insular lives, in a nice part of the shattered ruins of the American empire, are about to get a whole lot more interesting.