And There Came Two Angels to Sodom - Cover

And There Came Two Angels to Sodom

by GrushaVashnadze

Copyright© 2021 by GrushaVashnadze

Historical Sex Story: The story of Lot's wife and daughters, and their escape from Sodom - as not told in the Bible.

Caution: This Historical Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Historical   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   .

And there came two angels to Sodom at even; and Lot sat in the gate of Sodom: and Lot seeing them rose up to meet them; and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground; and he said, “Behold now, my lords, turn in, I pray you, into your servant’s house, and tarry all night, and wash your feet, and ye shall rise up early, and go on your ways.”

And they turned in unto him, and entered into his house; and he made them a feast, and did bake unleavened bread, and they did eat.


“Yes, dear?” said the woman. They were sitting on a desert mount overlooking the Plain of Sodom, watching the sun set.

“Tell me a story,” said the girl. She was sixteen years old, slight of build, with bright green eyes which sparkled beneath her headdress. Under her sky-blue cloak, her fingers fiddled with her silver betrothal ring, as she lay with her head in her mother’s lap.

“What story shall I tell you, dear?” answered her mother, as she stroked the ends of her daughter’s long brown hair. The woman was strong-boned and handsome, her once-soft face lined by years of desert living. The shadow cast by the salt-rock formation known as Lot’s Wife lengthened slowly behind them as they sat.

“Tell me the story of Ado and her daughters,” said the daughter, grinning cheekily, her eyes twinkling.

“Oh darling, why always that story? You can hear it at Temple.”

“Oh, but your version is better. Your version is special. They don’t tell it your way at Temple.”

“I should think not!” grinned the mother. “All right, my cheeky girl. But I will start from the Scroll. And be good whilst I speak: you know what I mean?”

“Yes, Momma,” pouted the girl, removing her arms from under her cloak and folding them in plain view over her chest.

“Good. Now listen carefully...” The woman took a deep breath, gazed out over the desert plain, and recited:

Before they lay down, the men of the city, even the men of Sodom, compassed the house round, both old and young, all the people from every quarter. And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, “Where are the two men which came in to thee this night? Bring them out unto us, that we may know them.”

And Lot went out at the door unto them, and said, “I pray you, brethren, do not so wickedly. Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes.”

Lot’s wife was Ado, and she was beautiful, and Lot thought he loved her deeply. She heard Lot’s offer to the wicked men of Sodom, and though she knew that her daughters had known man, still she grieved sorely in her heart. And she said to Lot, “Husband, suffer not our daughters to be given up to these men. They will use them ill, and discard them like so much chaff.”

“My wife,” replied Lot, “it is better this way. For these two angels are from God. How can we allow them to be taken unnaturally by the men of this city? Our daughters are beautiful: surely the men will treat them with respect.” And he called his two daughters, Hannah and Paltith, and said to them “My daughters, go out to the men of the city and let them do to you as is good in their eyes. For it is surely the Lord’s will that His messengers not be ill-used by the men of Sodom.”

At first the daughters were silent. But they thought to themselves: “We have already made the son of Haran drink wine, and lain with him. Our mother knows the truth: that we know how to seek our own pleasure.”

And Paltith spoke first, feigning obedience: “If it is the Lord’s will, then, father, we will do as you say.” And she was sixteen years of age.

Hannah spoke next, feigning piety: “We seek nothing greater than to do the will of the Lord Almighty, and the angels whom He has sent to us. We will submit ourselves to the men of Sodom.” And she was seventeen years of age.

And Ado wept – for she knew what the men of that city were like. And she feared that they would cause her daughters to suffer greatly, and that the pain in their souls, and hers, would be beyond comprehension. She knew what her daughters had done in their father’s bed – but she wished to protect them from the foibles of brutal men. “Please, my husband, spare our daughters; send me instead. I will give myself up to save our girls from the wickedness of these men.”

“My wife,” replied Lot, “these men want young virgins for their pleasure. They will not be fobbed off with one such as yourself.” For he knew not what had come to pass in his drunkenness. And, turning to his daughters, he said, “Hannah and Paltith, strip yourselves naked, and go without to the square, that the men of Sodom may do to you as is good in their eyes, so that our angel guests may eat and drink and sleep sound tonight.”

The sun was setting as Hannah and Paltith went out. Hannah was slender and tall. Her skin was fair and her long hair a ruddy brown, bleached by the sun. Her breasts were small and pert, and her delicate nipples turned heavenwards. Between her legs her down was soft and sparse, through which her tight lips peeped invitingly. Paltith was shorter, her body rounded and luscious. Her hair and skin were dark, and a rich black bush concealed her moist vulva. Her breasts were large, and jiggled as she walked.

Ado watched from the roof of the house, whimpering in fear and dread.

“Hey, Cush, Eglon – look what we have here!” called one of the Sodomite crowd, a short stocky man dressed in brown robes, with a big red lopsided runny nose. His voice was as slovenly as his appearance: “Two fuckable little sluts! What say you?” He began to remove his outer garment; his erection, lopsided too, poked through the fabric of his under-tunic below his large belly.

“I wanted boys, Sisera,” croaked a second man, huge and brutally built under his green woollen mantle, “not girls! I want to fuck ass, not cunt!” He had a huge scar slashed across his face, and an empty socket where one eye should have been. “Hey, Lot!” he called mockingly towards the door. “Keep your daughters! Send us those two pretty boys with the funny wings and tight asses!”

“Stop being so fussy, Eglon!” said a third man in a weedy voice. Tall and thin, those teeth that he still had were yellow and protruded unevenly from his jaw. “Get used to pussy, like the rest of the world!” He had already removed his clothes and was stroking his long mushroom-head cock with slick bony fingers. “Come here, my beauty,” he beckoned to Hannah. “You’re the kind I like.” Hannah approached dutifully, and the man grabbed her by the crotch, curling two fingers roughly into her cunt. Hannah squealed – and all the men laughed.

The tall man, Cushan-Rishathaim by name, grabbed Hannah’s neck, squeezing her jaw tight so that her lips formed a painful grimace. He spoke roughly into her mouth, his breath reeking of wine and goats’ cheese. “Your father sent you out here to get fucked, girl. You know what that means?”

Hannah nodded meekly. “Yes sir – and we will do it in obedience to him.”

“Well then, down on all fours, bitch, and stick your ass up in the air.” Hannah did as commanded, kneeling in the dirt. Her soft thatch of down glistened in the late evening glow, lighting the way to her moist cunt – which Cushan-Rishathaim began to fuck from behind, panting all the while like a yellow-fanged dog. Hannah moaned as she felt her honeyed walls loosen and welcome the long cock in, till his loose balls began to slap against thighs.

Sisera beckoned Paltith to him. “You have lovely big tits, girl. Kneel down so I can fuck them.” Feigning duty to God and his angels, Paltith did as he commanded. Sisera’s cock was thick and strong, and he blew snot from his nose to lubricate it, before burying it between the girl’s luscious flowing breasts. Paltith used her hands to push them together, extending her tongue to moisten the uncircumcised glans, which began to poke at her soft red lips. The man gasped with the double pleasure – then lifted his cock away from the girl’s tits and began to ram his cock deeper into her mouth.

“Open wide, my beauty,” leered Sisera, his mouth and nose drooling with anticipation. “This cock will reach the bottom of your throat before it fucks your cunt.” Paltith opened wide, sticking out her tongue flat so the cock could begin to drive deep into her gullet. Saliva splashed and flowed from her wide red lips, dribbling down her chest, and forming great beaded ropes which dangled obscenely from Sisera’s fat shaft.

Ado continued to watch from her rooftop, whimpering and weeping for her daughters. It was dark now, and the city square was lit by the flicker of torches. All the men of Sodom were there now, lured out of their houses by the noise – watching, ogling, and cat-calling. Those that were not carrying torches had their cocks out, and were stroking them lustfully as they leered at the filthy scene which was unfolding before their eyes. But indoors Lot continued to entertain his angel guests, waiting on them hand and foot, with unleavened bread, bitter herbs, and wine.

Amongst the Sodomite men now gathered was the great scarred brute Eglon, who removed his cloak and his undergarment to reveal his cock: huge and thick, uncut, purple at the head, with prominent blue veins which made it seem rough-hewn as the rocks of the desert. “I don’t fuck cunt,” declared Eglon. “Come here, sluts, and if you know what’s good for you, lubricate my cock well before I ram it up one of your asses.”

Hannah and Paltith crawled obediently over to the giant, gasping at the size of his huge rough shaft which waggled threateningly before their faces. Sisera and Cushan-Rithathaim followed, both sinking their cocks into the girls’ cunts from behind, gasping with pleasure at the embrace of their warm, wet, slippery fuck-holes.

The girls knelt facing each other on opposite sides of Eglon’s huge member. They said nothing, but knew what to do so that the Sodomite monster would be able to look down and see them pleasuring his cock from both sides. Initially it was their lips alone which nibbled Eglon’s rod, but soon they opened their mouths wider so that their lips met, squashing together to make a moist seal which they slid back and forth along his shaft, leaving it glistening with a thin film of saliva. Then their tongues began to tickle around the underside of the cock, so that little strings of spit formed which stretched and dangled from his rod. “Good, good, you filthy bitches! Where did you learn to do that?” roared Eglon, as he watched the two hot tongues slobber and snake around his cock.

“We honour our father,” answered Hannah, moving around to face Eglon from the front.

“Yes, and we follow the word of our Lord,” said Paltith, shifting positions so that she now crouched below Eglon’s cock, looking straight up into his ugly disfigured face as she sucked his huge balls into her mouth, one at a time, and then both together. In the meantime, Hannah opened her mouth wide, swallowing the huge cock deep and beginning a long slow drooling mouthfuck. Her spit dribbled off the shaft, splattering into Paltith’s face below. Cushan-Rishathaim and Sisera continued to moan in pleasure as their cocks pounded in and out of the girls’ hot cunts. The watching crowd cheered, as they stroked their cocks.

Ado continued to weep for shame. But the angels, burping contentedly as they reclined at their feast with Lot, asked:

“Hast thou here any besides? Whatsoever thou hast in the city, bring them out of this place. For we will destroy this place, because the cry of them is waxen great before the face of the Lord; and the Lord hath sent us to destroy it. Arise, take thy wife, lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city.”

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