A Story in the Fate Universe
Sometimes all there is left is Hope. Mix in Faith, a kind heart and a lifelong commitment kept and something will eventually happen. Ellen Donaldson tried to believe, wanted to believe that things would be Okay once more. Good things come to he or she that waits, right?
When his wife inherits a fatal genetic disease, her widowed mom comes to stay with him so she can be near her dying daughter. She happens to have and be just what her son-in-law saw in her daughter so, against her will, he begins treating her as if she's his wife... fucking her two and three times a day. Without fail, she fights him and then she fucks him.
Alicia finds her husband Julian cheating on her and is all set to leave him. But a stranger she meets in a bar tries to convince her otherwise because what she and Julian share is something special, something precious; they share true love.