A Story in the Manatee Bay Universe
I am posting this today because it is March 8... International Women's Day. We are 5 years after the Montessori HS story. Paul Jackman is mayor of Manatee Bay. Rev. Harrison, everyone's favourite bigot, has left town after his son was convicted of shooting at Debra & Paul Jackman with a paintball gun. All the schools are clothes-free & while the bylaws do not permit total nudity for adults, top-freedom is customary for both men and women. However, there is an air of change in the wind...
It's funny and sad how life works out sometimes. In the end you just go with the flow, with wherever love takes you. Thanks to Jessy19 for helping me with this. Apologies to Ben Casey ;>)
A romantic tale of a bright, over-weight girl from the wrong side of the tracks who endures bullying at school and has a bad home life. She finds a guy from another country who now lives in America. He wants to befriend and defend her. But will she accept? / (Reviews)
Jaime Little is one of the hottest up-and-coming porn starlets in Hollywood... until one bad day upends everything. But when she flees town to clear her head, she begins to find the life she always dreamed of in the place she least expected to find it.
The story starts off with Danny a 14 year old boy recounting the end of our world by a nuclear disaster..........How he with his family of 7 survived this end........But this isn't a story about the end........it is the one about their life after this end..... To be more precise this story is about Danny's life......Danny and his 4 sisters.......
The tale of a guy, a gal, and a pair of horses. They meet, grow and change. It's really just a tale of love and friendship. Oh, and there is no overt sex (You can even read this one to your mother.) This story has been posted before, but it's been re-edited and reformatted after being withdrawn from circulation.