A loner faces a monster set on killing him, but help is on the way. This story was hard to code. There's no sex, it's true for many, but isn't a factual accounting. Dedicated to a lost friend.
A Story in the Manatee Bay Universe
I am posting this today because it is March 8... International Women's Day. We are 5 years after the Montessori HS story. Paul Jackman is mayor of Manatee Bay. Rev. Harrison, everyone's favourite bigot, has left town after his son was convicted of shooting at Debra & Paul Jackman with a paintball gun. All the schools are clothes-free & while the bylaws do not permit total nudity for adults, top-freedom is customary for both men and women. However, there is an air of change in the wind...
John Hooker has an enviable life. A beautiful wife, a career as an architect, a hobby as a part-time MMA fighter that pays for itself and a little more. He lives in sunny California and doesn't have a care in the world, until his wife drops a bombshell on him that spirals his life out of control. How will life look when the dust settles and what parts of his life will be forever ruined? Even he doesn't know.