In a distant future humanity has descended into a terrible state. Women seclude themselves away from men, men run packs to rape women and impregnate them. A darker form of man hunts alone, rape isn't his only sin. Watching them all are the overseers and their indifference allows the world to plummet into hell. This is a dark story, only the brave should read!
A woman lost in her dark needs spirals as she does whatever her abusive audience tells her, until she is taken and used for the rest of her short life.
In the early 1900's a western male is drawn to a shady port in the Arabian Gulf, by the promise of wealth, and the draw of a woman. Though the shrouding of the feminine form might be deemed oppressive by many, here, he and other males discover it cloaks a mysterious sexuality within a sect of women. He is soon taught their chosen path in life for all masculinity... a world away from that existing beyond their society.