Two strangers, a middle aged man and a young college coed, are forced by circumstances to spend a weekend together in a Santa Fe vacation house. During the two days, her open sexuality and his attraction to it, turns a chilly relationship into a steamy encounter.
I was willing to bet my life savings and future domestic happiness that my best friend, a romantically irresistible force and Sex God, couldn't seduce my fiancee. The odds seemed impossible - no other woman had ever resisted his overpowering sex appeal before, forewarned or not. Could my Ice Princess remain an immovable object and resist the overwhelming urge to cheat?
When the unusual Willow Lang kindly offers to help her two male classmates study for their next big exam, she doesn't realize they'll be studying more than math during the tutoring session...or, I suppose, one could think of it as only going back to the basics of multiplication...
A the College Group Story (3) College student and her best friend/roommate thinks she should lose her virginity, and they hatch a plan to make that happen / (Reviews)