Swinger Dad - Cover

Swinger Dad

by Mike hunt hz

Copyright© 2014 by Mike hunt hz

Erotic Sex Story: A man gets more than he bargained for when he returns to a life of swinging.

Caution: This Erotic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Father   Daughter   Swinging   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Cream Pie   Body Modification   Slow   .

From the time I was in my mid teens, I always imagined I would get married and have a lot of kids. I wanted to get married young and have as many kids as my wife and I could afford; I just felt like being a dad was 'in my blood'. When I was 19, I met a beautiful girl named Jessica and we were fast friends. We fell in love and got married within just a few months of meeting—she was still 18. Barely a month after we were married, Jess was pregnant and we were on the path to having the large family we talked about and wanted.

Jessica was a social butterfly and always made friends easy. I really enjoyed watching her glow in the attention her friends gave her. Her girl friends tried to be like her and her guy friends wanted to be with her. Jessica's best friend, Lisa, had been pressuring her and me to try swinging. I wasn't big on the idea, but Jessica was curious about it. Lisa said we should just attend a party—no pressure to participate—and if we didn't like it, then that was fine. She said condoms were required to keep everyone safe and to avoid any pregnancies by unintended fathers. I agreed with that rule ... I could tell Jess wanted to go, so I said we could go if she wanted to. We went to the party and she was really into it. And to be honest, I was getting more curious, too. Swinging wasn't about love with another person; it was just about different sex experiences. Jess and I talked at length about trying it and we decided to 'test the waters'. The next time Lisa hosted a party, we attended and to my surprise, we both had a really good time. After the party, we went home and had sex (sans condoms this time) and it was the best sex we had ever had.

After Lisa's swinger's party, we didn't really feel the need to go again. Our sex life (which was really good before) had become incredible afterwards. Several months passed and Jessica became pregnant. We were thrilled to be starting the family we had been talking about! The bonus for me was that being pregnant made Jess unusually horny. But the further along she got, the more trouble I had keeping up with her. When she was six months along, I didn't have enough to satisfy her and, after some discussion, we decided to try swinging with Lisa and her group again. Lisa was surprised since it had been nearly 9 months since we tried it, but was happy to hear from us again. Lisa put together a last-minute party for us and Jessica was thrilled. I had sex with three of the women there; she must have had sex with every guy there! They still used condoms per the rules: she couldn't be more pregnant, but there are still the threats of diseases ... I was really getting into the swinging scene, too: it was great to learn new things from other women and watching Jess have sex with some guy while looking and smiling at me was pretty hot...

We began swinging at least once a week for the next three months just to fulfill Jess's needs. I was fine with it because I knew it was just sex and that she loved me as much as I loved her. Jessica gave birth to our daughter, Erin, and things went back to normal. There was NO sex for the first six weeks after the baby was born, of course. But once she was able again, we picked back up where we 'left off'.

When Erin was about to turn a year old, I asked Jessica when she thought she might be ready to have another baby. She said she wasn't sure yet and I was ok with that—being pregnant was not easy for her. Everything else was perfect so I really had nothing to complain about—at least I thought it was perfect. But one day I came home to a note on the door that said Erin was with the baby sitter and that Jess was leaving. She barely took anything with her and said she didn't want anything: the family life was too much pressure on her and she felt that she was not cut out to be a mother. I was naturally devastated. Not long after that, divorce papers came in the mail: she filed for an uncontested divorce, forfeited her rights to any/all property and even gave up her parental rights to Erin. I knew then that it was unlikely I'd ever see Jessica again. That hurt, but I had my daughter to take care of now and I put everything into raising her while putting all of my dreams away.

Weeks turned into months and months into years. Erin was growing fast and it was easy to see both me and her mother in her. She definitely had my cheeks, chin, and ears, but she had her mom's lips, nose and eyes. Erin was a beautiful young girl and everyone, even strangers, said so.

When Erin was 10, I received a job offer that I couldn't pass up and we relocated to accommodate my new position. The thought was that when Erin graduated high school, she could attend the university nearby and could stay home instead of living in a dorm room or having to rent an apartment. But that was years away at that time. In the meantime, I excelled in my new job and was saving as much as I could to afford Erin's college fund. I had no time for dating and wasted little money on myself. My life was for Erin. When my daughter was in her junior year of high school, she tried to 'hook me up' with a various few of her friend's single moms, but I really wasn't interested at the time. I told her I would tend to my personal life after I was done raising her: she was my number one priority for now.

Erin applied to the local university and was accepted with a full scholarship; I was so proud of her! At the same time, it broke my heart to see her "going away to college" (she was still living at home, though). My daughter and I were incredibly close and I knew that it wouldn't be long before she was going out into the world—completely on her own—and my life wouldn't be the same. I found myself wishing I had a house full of more kids to raise and felt cheated out of that by Jessica. I took some comfort in the fact that I had one amazing daughter, but I was a bit selfish and wanted more. I decided I had to get my mind on other things and remembered my promise to Erin: that I would start dating again after she went to college. When she was in her first semester, I entered 'the dating pool'. It didn't go too well, but I kept at it. I did some searching on line for things like dating services and even dating 'events'. I attended several with limited success. Then one day, I found a blog that mentioned an upcoming swinger's event. This particular event did not require you to show up with a partner—which was rare. Swinging was something I had thought about a lot over the past 18 years, but never had the time—never took the time—to get back into. I looked into the party and found out it was going to be a Halloween party; everyone would be wearing costumes for the duration and I thought that was perfect!

For reasons I can't explain, I kept thinking about all of the kids I wanted to father. It was like a kind of fantasy of mine to know that there were a bunch of kids running around out there with my DNA. It was this absent-minded thinking that hatched an idea in my head. I came up with a plan to try and make that happen. I bought a case of condoms and a fine cutting tools kit. After practicing a few times, I was able to carefully cut open a condom, put several holes in the tip, and reseal the package—making it look like it had never been opened. I knew this was very wrong of me, but I couldn't stop myself! I 'altered' about six condoms and saved them for the Halloween party.

It was mid October and I picked out my costume—I would be going as Spiderman. I figured it was perfect because I still had the body to pull it off and the mask completely hid my face. The day before the party, Erin asked me if I'd be handing out candy for the trick-or-treaters and I told her I was going out. She said she had a lot of studying to do and was going to a friend's house to study together. I told her she should go out and enjoy the night for once, but she said there was a big test coming up and couldn't afford to slack off; there was always next week...

It was Halloween night and I had my Spiderman costume on under my normal clothes to make changing easier. In anticipation of the party, I made one alteration to my costume: I cut a slot in the crotch and sewed some Velcro into it for 'easy access' once the action got started. The 'special' condoms were just tucked into the waist band. I got in my car and headed out to the party. When I got to the address, I was surprised at how many cars were there—I had to park down the street; it was going to be a big event!

I put on my mask and took off my regular clothes and my transformation was complete. I walked inside the house and there were people everywhere! Some were mingling and others were already 'getting busy'. I was looking around the room, looking for a girl that wasn't taken—there were many to choose from. But it was a small group of 4 girls that caught my eye. They were standing in a corner and just watching the action. A lot of guys were also looking at them, but they seemed too intimidated to approach them. I figured I'd been around too long to worry about rejection, so I walked right over to the girls.

They were all wearing skin-tight costumes that showed off every curve and their bodies were unbelievable! I wanted to rip their masks off to see if their faces were as beautiful, but that wouldn't be 'appropriate'. This party was clearly about anonymous sex: not one person had any part of their face visible here—including the girls. I decided to keep it completely anonymous by not talking to the girls and letting my actions speak for themselves. Two of the girls were admiring my muscles under my costume and the other two just rubbed them tentatively in agreement.

My dick was starting to grow and one girl took notice right away. She was dressed like a sexy black cat; costume complete with a tail and 'fuck me high heels'. She grabbed my crotch and lightly lifted me up—getting a good feel of my now hard cock. Noticing that I wasn't saying anything, she played the same game and kept silent, too. She took my hand and placed it on her magnificent tit. I began to caress her breast from over the thin stretchy fabric covering it. She began stroking my cock hiding under the skin tight blue pants and I opened the Velcro fly to let my dick out. Once it was free, she had it in her hand and was stroking it slowly up and down.

Honestly, it wasn't the best hand job I'd ever had, but from the shape of her body, she was more than likely still pretty young and probably didn't have much experience. But a hand job is a hand job: I wasn't complaining. She pulled her top up to over her tits and they were stunning! I played with her nipples and the girl was beginning to really warm up to me. The 'cat woman' turned around and pushed her butt into my dick, pinning it between us. I had my right arm around her waist and on her left hip while my left was around her chest; my hand on her right breast. She had both hands up over her head and reached back to hold my head in her hands as she slowly and sensually moved to my caressing.

I slipped my right hand down into her pants and was not surprised to find she was not wearing panties. I could also tell that she was clean shaven—waxed more likely; she didn't even have any stubble. Her pubic area was completely smooth and soft. My fingers quickly found the top of her slit and her clitoris hiding inside. She was humping my finger as it danced across her sweet spot and she finally whispered, "Do you have a condom?" I produced one of my 'special condoms' and she led me over to an open spot on the couch. She took the spot on the couch, but didn't sit on the couch; she was on her knees and leaning over the back of it. She was looking over her shoulder and I knew she was waiting for me to 'suit up'.

I opened the condom and put it on myself. I knew it was a bit risky since I didn't know if she was carrying any STS's, but I figured she seemed pretty young still and it was unlikely that she had anything. And the thought of this stranger trying to figure out how she ended up pregnant and who the father might be was too much of a thrill to pass up! As soon as she saw the condom going on, she turned back around and pushed her butt out to me. I got behind her and grabbed her stretchy pants by the sides and slowly pulled them down her perfect ass, exposing it inch by inch.

The first thing I noticed was she at a fairly new 'tramp stamp' right at the top of her crack. I was never big on tattoos, but this one was actually pretty nice on her. I studied it closely, remembering the curving lines and how they perfectly complimented her ass cheeks. I pulled her pants down and off of her, but left her heels on her. Then I put my hand under her crotch and I could feel a tremendous amount of heat radiating from her hairless tight pussy. I slid my finger up and down her slit and found her clit again. I played with it for a while and she was becoming very slick. I sat her down on the couch and had her spread her legs wide. I just had to taste her pussy or I would surely die.

Once my face was in position, I closed her legs until they were touching my ears and cheeks. Then I pushed up the bottom of my mask to expose my mouth. No one could see any part of my face—not even the cat girl. My tongue quickly found her clit and I went to work on it. Her hand went immediately to the back of my head and she pulled my face into her dampening crotch with force. I sucked and licked every square millimeter of her pussy like my life depended on it—not one part of her pink bits escaped my mouth.

Eating a girl's box that was this devoid of hair or stubble was a special treat—rare—and I was savoring it! I spread her pussy lips far apart and her clit stood out naked to the world; I had a good close up view of it. I memorized the look of her 'little man' and I knew I'd be able to pick it out of a lineup of a thousand others even years from now. I sucked the little clit into my mouth and gave her a mini blowjob. She was hissing and gasping in lust to my oral onslaught on her. I was eating this pussy's pussy like there was no tomorrow and she loved it! I didn't want her to orgasm yet, though, so I stood up and had her get back on her knees while leaning over the back of the couch. I stood behind her and started rubbing my dick on her pussy to use some of her juices to lube up my condom encased dick. I placed my cock head at the opening to her pussy and I pushed forward.

This cat girl was really tight! But I was shocked when my dick met her hymen and ripped it open—she had been a virgin until now! Her moan at losing her virginity was lost amongst all of the other moans and miscellaneous sounds of sex in the filled room. I had the cat girl by the hips and I began rocking into her. I couldn't believe she had given her virginity in such a way and I was going to try and knock her up during her first sexual experience!

She quickly got used to the feeling of my invading member and began pushing back into me. I was pumping into her at a slow and steady pace, all while looking at her tramp stamp tattoo and the small amount of blood on my dick. I let her set the pace for our fucking—it was the 'gentleman' thing to do ... Pretty soon, our pace was picking up and eventually it built until I was slamming in and out of her pussy.

I could tell she was really wet; even with the condom on. Her juices were coating the condom now and even washing away her virgin blood. The couple next to us finished and got up. The cat girl took their spot, too; lying down on her back with legs spread in the air. I repositioned over her and, as I reentered her, she wrapped her legs around me. She was naked from the waist down with the exception of her black stiletto heels and her top was still pushed up over her tits. I wanted to see her face, but that would have been wrong. I caressed her tits as I went back to thrusting into this first timer.

The condom helped me from having an orgasm too soon and she was having a great time! She was panting and trying not to moan too loud, but I was making that difficult for her. The more she tried to hold it back, the harder I fucked her. And the harder I fucked her, the harder it was for her to hold it back. Her responses to my actions were having an effect on me and my orgasm was building. But she beat me to it: her orgasm hit her and her already tight pussy clamped down on me even tighter.

She screamed as her vaginal fluids released and dripped out of her. Several people from around the room applauded us. My orgasm hit and I could feel the tip of the condom fill with millions of sperm cells. I kept pushing into the girl to try and get as many of them as possible through the holes I had poked in the tip. Since her pussy was already dripping wet, she couldn't tell that the condom was being milked empty. I was pretty sure I had as much of my sperm pushed out as possible, but I was just enjoying sex with this girl. Her body was amazing.

About 15 minutes after our orgasms, her friend (who was dressed up like her—only she was a grey mouse) came over and whispered in her ear. The cat girl nodded and moved to get up. I pulled my dick out of her and she got dressed. Her mouse friend did the opposite. Clearly, it was 'her turn with Spider Man'.

I pulled off the now well used condom and saw the end of it had been shredded to ribbons. I disposed of it quickly before anyone saw it. I showed 'mouse girl' the new condom and she nodded. I put the special condom on and went to work on her. She was not as tight as the cat girl and she was definitely not a virgin. She was pretty well experienced, in fact. Strangely enough, even though she was technically better, the excitement level of the cat girl made the sex more enjoyable. But, no matter: I was going to work on jamming some cum up in this girl's guts, too!

The mouse girl had me sit on the couch and she rode me in reverse cowgirl fashion. She began jumping on me like I was an adult-themed pogo stick. Every now and then, she would stop bouncing to rock and grind her hips on me. And when she did, she could control her vaginal walls to massage my dick. That was a new feeling for me—one that I could feel even through the condom! She would do that for a while and then go back to jumping on my cock. During one of her jumping sessions, I felt the condom bust open and get pushed down my cock, all in one jump. She didn't seem to notice and if she did, she didn't care. But there was no doubt in my mind that my condom was now nothing more than a ring of bunched up latex around the base of my dick.

The mouse girl stopped bouncing and began rocking, grinding, and massaging my dick with her pussy walls. She still didn't realize my cock was naked inside of her now unprotected pussy. My orgasm built quickly and I blew a decent sized load right into and past her cervix. Her eyes shot open in realization and her own body had an orgasm in automatic response. She turned her head to the side and asked to verify that I was wearing a condom. I shook my head 'yes' and she seemed doubtful of herself. She reached between her legs and found the condom in place, but didn't notice it was torn to shreds.

Satisfied it was there, she went back to fucking me. When she was finished, she simply stood up and walked away without even turning around to look at me. That sounds rude, but it was actually pretty hot; I didn't mind being used by a hot young girl! Before I could get up, the cat girl came back over and stood before me. She made a square shape with her index fingers and thumbs while tilting her head to the side. The question was clear: "Do you have another condom?"

I produced another and she pointed to my still hard dick. I put it on and she turned around while pulling her pants down. She had been watching her friend and me going at it and wanted to try what the mouse was doing. She straddled over my legs and sat down on my cock. Even after having fucked a short time ago, she was still very tight. I held her by her slim hips and she tried jumping on my cock. But she was so tight I could tell the condom wasn't going to last long.

After just a few small bounces, I could feel my cock head poking out of the tip. I was too busy looking at her tattoo to even care. I knew that as long as I lived, I would never forget that tattoo. She was leaning forward, supporting her upper body on her hands which were on my knees. Every time she rocked her hips back and down, I could see my dick disappearing inside her. And I knew that even though the part of my dick that I could see looked securely wrapped, the top was completely open to her pussy.

The cat girl started to lean back and I took the opportunity to slide my hands under her top and hold her perfectly shaped tits again. I could feel my cockhead pushing into her cervix with force and she was moaning again. My orgasm was building and hers was too. Once again, hers hit a second before mine and we blasted our fluids all over and in each other. After our orgasms subsided, she kept herself impaled on my cock for about five minutes before standing up. She didn't just walk away as her mouse friend had done, though. She turned around and blew me a kiss from her kitty mouth and waved 'good bye'. I waved back and her mouse friend joined her as they went out the front door. I was pretty well spent having had three orgasms, so I left right behind them. I saw them get in their car—the mouse girl was driving. She took off her mask but I couldn't see her face in the darkness. They drove away and I knew I'd never see them again.

I walked to my car which was down the street and was a little disappointed that I wouldn't see them again, but then again, that was the point of having anonymous sex! When I got to my car, I put my regular clothes back on and removed my mask. For a moment I felt like a superhero—or perhaps super villain (pretty evil to try and knock up a couple of unsuspecting girls... ).

I went home and showered while reliving the evening in my head. Just thinking about the cat girl was enough to get my dick hard. But I had to put her out of my mind or else walk the rest of my life with a raging boner. I threw the costume in the garbage and started doing more searching for singles and swingers in the area. Over the next few weeks, I attended a few swingers groups, but there was nothing like that Halloween party. For sure the cat and mouse girls were not there—the swingers I was seeing were definitely older than most of those at the Halloween party.

It was a Friday night and I was just getting home after having been at a singles meeting. There wasn't anyone there that really interested me so I was calling it a night. When I pulled into my driveway, I saw Erin was home from college. She had been staying with her friend during the weeks to help cut down on commuting to and from school (traffic could be bad in the mornings). I parked the car and went inside.

Erin greeted me and I asked her how she was doing in school. She was already showered and in her pajamas. We were talking at the kitchen table and I got up to get her a snack before bed; she got up to help. We continued to talk as we prepared our snacks; after living with each other for the last 18 years, we worked well together. But I was a bit distracted by some of my thoughts and, as I was handing her a fork, I let go of it before I knew she had a handle on it. The fork fell to the floor with multiple 'clings' and she bent down to pick it up.

I turned to look at what I had done and saw her picking up the utensil from the floor. That was when I saw that her pajama bottoms had slipped down a little and she had a tattoo. I only saw the very top of it, but I knew it was there. I called her out on it immediately. I asked, "Is that a tattoo?!" She shot upright and knew she was busted. She admitted to having it and I told her, "Let's see it..." She turned around sheepishly and pulled down the top-back of her pajama bottoms. To my shock and horror, I recognized the tattoo immediately: without question, Erin was the cat girl.

I felt like I might pass out. In a flood of realization, I knew that I had fucked my own daughter, taking her virginity, and that I had at least attempted to plant my seed in her fertile womb. I had to sit down. She saw my reaction and presumed it was just because of the tattoo. She said, "Daddy, are you ok? Please don't be mad: it's just a tattoo and I really like it." I said, "No, I'm not mad about the tattoo. I'm not mad at you at all." She asked, "Then what's wrong?"

I realized she had no idea that I was 'Spiderman' and I thought it would definitely be better to not tell her. But I had to come up with a reason for my reaction and I had to do it fast. I just started talking, "I guess it's just that I'm realizing you are all grown up now. You don't need me to make adult decisions for you anymore. And, you will probably be making a lot of adult decisions from now on; many of them I won't even know about and may not even want to know about." Erin was silent, no doubt thinking about some of the things she has done in recent weeks (like the Halloween party).

Then a thought entered my head that maybe it was still a case of mistaken identity so I asked her, "So, where did you get the design—did you pick it out off of a wall somewhere?" I was hoping that was the case: maybe a bunch of girls were walking around with the same tattoo—maybe one built like my daughter that was possibly pregnant with my child now ... Erin replied, "Actually, I designed it myself! It's a one of a kind original! It's nice, though, right?"

That was really the worst answer I could have imagined her giving me. But I had to support her and said honestly, "Well, if you are going to get a tattoo, it should be something original and personal—in my opinion. And, yes: it is very nice. It is beautiful, in fact and it suits you well." Erin hugged me and thanked me for my support. I would never tell her that this wasn't the first time I'd seen her tattoo ... I asked her why she didn't tell me before that she was going to get one and she said, "Because you would have never approved!"

She was right about that, of course, but if she would have told me right after the fact, at least I could have known it was her and made up an excuse to not end up fucking my daughter. But that was a moot point now. Now it was time to pray that she was not in the fertile time of her cycle when I shot my cum inside of her. There was a good chance of that after all...

As an afterthought, I realized I'd most likely fucked her best friend, too—the one she has been staying with. Looking back, the mouse girl was the same height and build as her friend and she did seem like a bit of a slut. I bet it was her idea to drag my daughter there, too. Swinging and anonymous sex was not Erin's style. But then again, I didn't think tattoos were until a few minutes before. Perhaps swinging was in her blood as it was in mine and her mothers. Who knows about such things?

The next day was a normal Saturday for us. We spent some time around the house just talking and hanging out. I wanted to get to know Erin 'the woman' as opposed to Erin 'my daughter'. I still saw her as my daughter in spite of having had sex with her, but I was also seeing her as her own independent woman. She was just beginning to live her own life; making her own decisions. And Erin 'the woman' was just as amazing as Erin 'my daughter'.

After a day of talking and getting to know each other on a different level, we decided to rest our vocal chords and watch a movie. I let her pick the movie and nearly choked when she selected the latest Spiderman movie. I had a difficult time paying attention to the movie. All I could think about was the party when I was fucking Erin—cumming inside of her. And she still didn't know it was me. To my surprise, I was getting hard again; the image of her ass with the sexy tramp stamp bouncing on my lap as my dick disappeared into her clean shaven pussy was the only image I saw on the large screen TV. The only thing I could hear was her whispering in my ear if I had a condom and her moans and screams in orgasm.

In hind sight, it was clear those screams were from my daughter; how did I not realize it when it was happening? I guessed that I didn't pick up on that because it was the last thing in the world on my mind. I remembered all of the diapers of hers that I changed and how careful I was to make sure nothing inappropriate could ever be said about how I took care of my daughter's little girl parts, and then just 18 years later I had my hand down her pants and was fondling them with lust—and she enjoyed it. I remembered the taste of her pussy and how smooth and clean she was on my tongue. I was hiding my raging hard-on now and I was going to cum if I didn't concentrate on controlling my thoughts.

I forced myself to concentrate on the movie just long enough for my erection to go down and then excused myself, saying I wasn't feeling well, before going to bed. Erin asked if she could get me anything and I said I was ok; that it was probably just something I ate. I said 'good night' to Erin and she elected to watch the rest of the movie. Before going to sleep, I had to 'rub one out'. I went into the bathroom like some high school kid and jerked off. But when I did, all I could picture in my head was me fucking 'the cat girl'. Only this time, she wasn't wearing her mask. I could easily picture my daughter's face instead of the cat mask. It only took a matter of about 30 seconds of jerking off before I blew my load in the toilet. And it took much less time for the shame and guilt to sink in.

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