A Special Favor Universe tale
After ingesting man made marijuana two girls each have a psychic vision of their futures and how to change what will be. They both want to become a slut for Ava's younger brother and his sex slaves.
Family Feud by Amanda Serve fan ficton. An alternate reality was created when Jamie Taylor had her massive orgasm on the tattoo booth floor. This is the story of that universe. Find out what happens when everything goes wrong for the Taylor family. / (Reviews)
Vault 76 has 'Programs' that everyone is issued and must follow for the good of the vault. Many of these 'Programs' are sexual in nature, but residents opt into them willingly. Samantha opts in, wanting to be an asset to the vault. This leads her down a path she never imagined, taking every wrong turn possible. Some points in this story jump between scenes rapidly, hopefully they aren't too bad to follow along with :)
Villain Victorious- Fan Fiction universe where the bad guys always win.
Set in an Alternate Universe in which the Rebellion won a pyrrhic victory when they blew up the Second Death Star. The Emperor escaped and the Rebels fleet was decimated. The Rebels now on the run once more, have to go the most unsavory place in the universe to obtain the power cores necessary for rebuilding a space fleet, Korbba the Hutt. Only this Hutt has not fogotten what Princess Leia did to their cousin Jabba.
A mercinary adopts and teaches a couple of young sisters retribution for the abuse at the hands of pirates. Caution violent torture ensues. Avoid if you object.