His son's girlfriend Sam has an appetite for big cock. Dan (the son) doesn't have enough cock so he suggests that she fucks his dad too. His dad is pleasantly surprised at being propositioned but soon accepts the situation and shows her his horse cock.
Peggy Sue had planned her loss of virginity the entire senior year. Now, she was about to give it up to Rocky, the premiere quarterback of the football league. It was to be her last fling before surrendering to a stuffy future as a minister's wife with high moral standards.
American opera set designer Clay hasn't messed around with fourteen-year-old boys since his Oxford days with friend, Italian opera impresario Lorenzo. A pandemic closes down Clay's work but Italy is up again and Lorenzo invites Clay to Naples to work with him. Lorenzo has a seventeen-year-old boy toy and two fourteen-year-old houseboys on offer.
A mid-twenties former male model American is sent by a New York/Milan fashion house to Hanoi, Vietnam, to open a factory producing fabrics to pass off as expensive material for fashion house designs. He's frustrated by the bureaucratic runaround he gets in the old, Asian city he hates until he connects with a fetish for fourteen-year-old boys he'd enjoyed in Milan.
I hope this account of what happened to me, will forewarn all decent mothers with coming of age boys, of what can happen if you suddenly weaken to their sexual advances! ... ... Just say No!