A Swarm Cycle Story
Johnny had the score to go, but was staying on Earth to fight. Then his dad decided not to honor the commitments he'd made to his family....
Tom Watson started out sexually servicing his mother and two sisters at age 14, and that was before he even had a girlfriend. By a quirk of circumstances, he and his girlfriend saved his middle school from an attack by some Muslim terrorists, and killed four of the terrorists in the process. Guess what: this got them thrown out of school. Eventually, those two and Tom's sister became vigilantes. Of course, for fun, there was a lot of sex.
CAUTION! This is a very dark story with an ugly ending. It's pretty damn sick if I'm honest. There's no love or romance at all in this black tale of cheating, deceit and revenge. My wife was killed and my stepdaughter hurt in an auto accident; some guy I'd never heard of was driving them at the time. Turned out that my son and I hadn't ever really known the two women who'd been in our lives for the past eight years. In the end, everybody lost.