In an outwardly dystopian world where no sexual deviances are allowed, those caught in breach of authority are either executed, or transported to planet Vorlax 5. As with any society, there is an underworld operated by that authority, which prospers through those deviations. Tina is a sissy -strictly forbidden in that society- but is made good use of by many through covert means, before finding herself on the punishment planet of Vorlax 5... where she finds anything goes...
A horny young homosexual wants to be a woman, to serve black men, like his mom does! Keven is SO horny all the time! He walks the streets picking up men for sex, and then voluntarily goes to jail, where he is beaten and raped and turned out as a prison whore. He has his teeth knocked out, his pale body covered with crude jailhouse tattoos, marking him as a faggot and a whore forever.
‘Acting’ Sergeant Lindy Schroeder knew she was in trouble. Though knotted ‘halter style’ about her waist, her short-sleeved uniform shirt was now drenched in ‘cum’ as she continued to ‘deep throat’ the large black ‘cock’ that had been offered to her via the ‘gloryhole’ in the basement of ‘The Steamworks’ Sauna – the Victoria Police had failed to close ‘The Steamworks’ Sauna in Latrobe Street, and so the notorious ‘Gay Club’ remained the centre of downtown Prostitution within inner Melbourne...
She was known as 'The Bitch' - the former prostitute had once worked for the notorious Diana Murdoch at her 'Gaslight' Massage Parlour, but now was Manageress of 'The Crazy Horse' Strip Club in Melbourne. With the recent 1977 Equal Opportunities Act, Policewomen were now becoming common. And, 'The Bitch' had a taste for police 'cunt' as did her loyal cadre of bi-sexual 'Strippers'.........
DONT READ THIS STORY! 20 people have already rated it a ‘1’ so it must be crap! A man, at the end of his rope in his relationship with his girlfriend, cooks up a scheme to put her in her place. All he has to do is maneuver the pieces on the chessboard of life so that he can achieve ultimate control of her and save her from being a bitch. Chapter 3 actually somewhat matches this synopsis.