A story in the 'Demons Are Real?' Universe
"On my 18th birthday, a couple of things happened. One, my Dad died in a stupid car accident. Two, our Internet connection got upgraded. Strangely, the second thing had a more profound effect on my life."
Okay, so I was a fucked up fifteen-year-old, spoiled rotten brat with no real concept of how things really work. That all started to change when I moved in with my Aunt. Boy, did it change!
A Girls Don't Need Modesty Story (1) Part of the Girls Don't Need Modesty universe
In an alternate Universe, where girls aren’t expected to have modesty about their bodies, the Traditional Girl Scouts focus on humility, obedience, and hard work. It's Girl Scout season again, and that means Hailey and her sister Alex are selling their cookies. Classic Embarrassed Nude Female (ENF)/CNFM story with influence by NIS (Naked in School) stories. It's also a coming of age story for Hailey.
It was a silly, sexy idea, made to Nancy by an author she'd been chatting with on SOL. She'd confessed that she found some of her son and daughter's friends attractive, and he'd suggested that, next time they were over, she should go 'sans panties'. What harm could it do?