From the Altered Perceptions Universe where Science meets sex
Procol prepares for a celebration in the 'Exotix Bar and Space Stop.' A tale of tales with a twist in the tale and tail. Inspired by, and written for Lost Boys second competition. and dedicated to his otherworldly work.
"Central Calling" is a story idea that could spawn a universe if anyone were interested in playing along. It is set in the not-too-distant future and it bring the virtual world alive.
The Farm (2) Stable manager Jane meets with trainee Katey at the barn and together introduce a newly certified female sow to the milking shed. All other sows are hooked up for their standard daily milking as well.
A mysterious anomaly that threatens to engulf the world is centered on one girl, whose vision of a society ruled by busty hermaphroditic intellectuals begins to come to fruition against the desires of a few young government heroines.
The acrid smell of fried electronics fills the air. Damn government contractors! Greedy bastards cut every corner, just to save a credit. My ears drop as I survey the damage. The bracket holding the emergency control panel snapped. It slammed into the main power conduit which, of course, wasn't properly shielded. A 10-credit bracket. Damn them! This is bad. Really bad.
This is a flash story I wrote as an exercise earlier this year. It's a piece that I had a lot of fun writing. There's no sex, just a lot of blood and guts all wrapped up in time travel. Many thanks to Nora for her editing skills
Vampires, being immortal, generally spend eternity in wealth and prosperity. Bob, however, has been working at the local Waffle House for almost a century, in a section of the city decidedly not wealthy or prosperous.