Remember playing pretend games with my friends when an ordinary thing like a hollow tree was a ship going out to war and, less dramatically, pretending that a pair of sunglasses had the magic power to see through clothes. My friends and I would put on those pretend magic glasses around my sister or one of her friends. Well, I am a lot older nowadays. Any of those pretend games like that are long past. None of that silly stuff could happen in the real world.
Susan is bored with all porn, even scat porn, until she discovers a new kink - Squirmies: Slimy, fat, genetically engineered worm-like vertebrates that invade the human body for human amusement. She soon becomes hooked, and auditions to become the star of the website's newest video.
Zee knew that people in the outer solar system were more liberal about sex than they were nearer Earth orbit. In fact, the prospect of witnessing incest and orgies rather excited her. But Zee never expected to find such a thing as a Party Slave.
Something strange is happening in the little town of Skingsley. Why are some of the women there developing bigger and bigger breasts? And does it have anything to with an unsuspecting plumber named Colin?
Losing two space ships in two weeks is never good. But, when your second rescue comes from teen pirates turned sluts, life was never better! A roaring romp set in the universe of The Waifs.
Veronica Twizzell - Bra Maker Extraordinaire
You'd think that after travelling hundreds of light years that aliens would have better things to do than mess around with schoolgirl's breasts? Apparently not... And you'd think with all that technology that they'd abduct the right one. Again... apparently not... ILLUSTRATED