Attending a new school and wanting to be a cheer leader, young Wendy gets caught in a trap to make her a slut and whore for the Captain of the squad. She is encouraged to do an initiation which exposes her naked body in the school and then is blackmailed to do as the captain says. She will do anything to stop her parents from seeing what she did and only gets in deeper. But, she didn't have to worry because her parents already know and helped set her up.
A Mischevious Morgan Story (1) Morgan Gilmore is invited to a friend's wild sweet sixteen party. So wild, she can't tell her evangelical, straight-laced parents. But with the support of her friends, and older sister, Grace, she goes anyway. What she finds is one of the best experiences any sixteen-year-old girl could ever want.
A My Changing Life Story (1) If you are anal then don't read it. It is about a man from his teen years on. He tries to do the right thing but considering how fucked up his life is, he doesn't always have the tools to figure out what the right thing is. There is at least one scene with c&b torture but it is brief and not a main part of the story. The story progresses past modern times, so I classified it as sci-fi. Enjoy