Gita a 15 year old maid worked in our house. One morning I saw her tits while she was wet wiping the floor. I decided to 'educate' her. Little did I know that I will end up 'educating' her whole family. / (Reviews)
Romance between a busty teen and her brother that starts so innocently and ignites such passion. Lessie teachs dancing and dating skills to a willing pupil.
Rhonda lost her husband, and after a year of mourning, she feels she is ready to rejoin society. A cruise, previously booked, seemed like the perfect opportunity. Little did she know how much she would rejoin society and how wonderful a week as sea would be.
About to graduate high school, Connie is overlooked because of her unfashionable dress and ugly coke-bottle glasses. Then she's introduced to her second cousin, who sees "her" and they bond courtesy of the two aunts who put them together, and provide them with a safe space to canoodle. And then Connie is overwhelmed when she discovers Jim's attribute. You're a princess first, and then you become a queen. A compact little tale of young love.
Rebecca is on the board of directors of a large corporation. She is but one step away from realising her lifelong ambition. Then she meets a lowly engineer.